Highlights for me are Mirrors Edge 2, Watch Dogs and Sony's Entire E3 Show - Especially the new trailer for Versus XIII and KH3 being confirmed, although I have very mixed opinions of the new look. I was incredibly disappointed on the Vita front though. FIVE NEW GAMES! All ports...
I honestly don't remember much of Ubisoft's conference, but EA's was the usual Sports/Wubblefield/'Celebrity' crap, and ME2 was the only good thing to come from it. I also didn't watch, nor have I even watched a Konami conference.
I've literally just watched Nintendo's 'E3' and I am completely underwhelmed. The new Pokemon game(s) looks awful, Nintendo are ******** out Mario games like there's no tomorrow and Wind Waker HD is Wink Waker in Widescreen with improved lighting and BLOOM EVERYWHERE. The new Xenoblade game might be cool, but I couldn't help thinking how much better it would look on the proper next gen consoles. Smash Bros I though I would be super hyped for, but no, nothing. I just don't feel anything Nintendo and honestly I have no reason whatsoever to even consider buying a Wii U at all. 3ds on the other hand, announce a DS Lite equivalent which has a better screen and non-****** sound and I'll bite.
PS4 is a definite buy from me, and I fail to see why anyone would even be considering buying the Xboned considering it's more expensive, has ridiculous DRM and potentially restricts the sale of used games. I do predict that a lot of games will go Multiplatform/Cross Gen though due to the dev costs and such. Whilst I was a bit annoyed when I found out, it's not surprising that Versus XIII and KH3 will be on Xbone too considering Square's financial position.
EDIT: Regarding Destiny and AC4, I watched the conference on Youtube earlier but were the issues there on the livestream? (appearing to be Stuttering every so often/AC4 Freezing?)
If this is the case, I hope this is just due to early development. I haven't actually looked forward to an AC game after I found Brotherhood to be a massive disappointment - skipping Revelations and 3 entirely. I'd be looking to play both games probably.
EDIT2: Just watched the MGSV trailer... Wow... I want it, and the only MGS game I own is 4 and I haven't played more than 20 minutes of it...