E3 2013

and it seems to be working,seem people on eurogamer now saying they'll now considering either a PS4 or Xbox One again, or just switching to the Xbox One...................though Microsoft proven to me they don't care about consumers just profits if they actually announced those policies in the first place.........
This won't change my stance much at the moment. The failbox has Halo, possibly project spark and that's about it for me at the moment. Ryse is a QTE borefest which, even if you press the wrong button, will do the action, so to "lessen the frustration on the player". Thanks crytek, make games easier for us. Battlefield i've never played, FFXV and KH3 i'll get on the system they where initially built for, Destiny i'll get on PC or PS4, aaaaaand yeah. Killer Instinct has never taken my fancy.

What's more, this does't lessen the price tag, which is way to high. £429 is something i can't even consider hitting at the moment, so me ever being able to buy the console is slim. PS4 isn't much better, but at least it is better. Instead i'm going to probably buy a WiiU in october. Wind Waker HD, Mario/Luigi U, Wonderful 101, Pikmin, Donkey Kong, those indie titles, yeah i've got stuff i want there now.
I'll probably end up buying one now, whether it's at launch would depend on them having much better launch games than Sony, if not then I'll probably wait for Titanfall or "whatever".
E3 2014

Probably not worth starting another thread, here is my quick takeaway from "Day 0":

EA's thing was super odd. Seems like the only games they actually have coming out in a realistic time-frame are from EA Sports, for which obviously people's mileage varies extremely.

Ubi had Aisha Tyler, so they get a free pass. But they also have some pretty ballin' games, and some forward thinking network ideas. The implications of Far Cry 4's "free" multiplayer are quite powerful and put a lot of pressure on other developers to follow suit when it comes to games that aren't "all about" the multiplayer modes.

I thought MS structured their show perfectly, and showed a lot of good games (I'm not sure that the number of multiplatform titles on show really takes away from the impact, overall). On the other hand, I thought Sony ran way long, and totally ????ed up by focusing on Powers so much and having BMB speak for so long. Both had some nice "available now"-type announcements, which was cool.

MS's games, I thought Ori, Crackdown and Scalebound made a strong package together with things like Forza Horizon 2 and Sunset Overdrive that we already knew about. I certainly came away from the conference more excited for the future of the One than I was going in.

Sony fell a little shorter, for me, mainly because I think ending on Uncharted and not having The Last Guardian sucked balls. No-one cares about Uncharted these days, evidenced strongly by people leaving Naughty Dog seemingly weekly over the course of the past six months. Bloodborne was cool, could have done with more concentrated gameplay footage of The Order though. I missed Tretton the whole way through, even when Boyes was on.

Overall I'd say the biggest theme of E3 so far has been "coming 2015, we have almost no relevant gameplay to show you at the moment".
Wasn't able to watch the conference due to weak connection, thunder storms and the fact that the Sony one was around 3 in the morning so I just went onto Kotaku and see what was announced.

Microsoft's conference was pretty good, they focused on the games (only 1 Kinect was mentioned which was a new Harmonix's Dance Central game for digital download) and nothing particularly pleased me much. The only few that got my attention was Halo 5 & Halo: Master Chief Edition, a new Tomb Raider, Phantom Dust remake, Sunset Overdrive trailer and a new Platinum Games game.

Sony's conference was not as fantastic as last year was but they did a good job with this one. Heck the PS Vita TV is coming to Europe, that's pretty sweet from what I hear. GTA V for PS4 is nice since I haven't properly owned the game yet.
In case anyone missed out on Nintendo's conference, I witnessed this:

Xenoblade Chronicles X was announced.

Bayonetta 2 will include Bayonetta 1.

Mario Maker is confirmed, 2015.
Just knowing it's a sequel to Xenoblade is enough. It's got the same character designer as Gears and Saga this time, so the character models look a bit funky, but otherwise it's a continuation of Xenoblade all right. It's looking terrific.
Just watched the two trailers on youtube. The one from last year's E3 was way more exciting. This one was a bit cut-scene heavy I'd say.
Am I the only guy who likes to shoot and kill here?

The Divison
AC Unity
Rainbow Six Siege
Battlefield Hardine
The Rise of Tomb Raider
Forza Horizon 2

I am probably missing some in here but these are ones that I am really looking forward but I have one problem. I dont have a next gen console yet lol Anyway, those game will still take between 5 months to 17 months to come out so plenty of time here.
Rainbow Six Patriots wasn't even shown at E3 which is ridiculous because I really want play that game, stupid Ubisoft. And then they announce another Rainbow Six game, like WTF.
Just gonna comment on Nintendo for now, will add my thoughts to the others later.

Nintendo where fantastic this time round, and are still continuing to be just that. They nailed their coverage perfectly. The Media Briefing had a good dose of everything they needed to fire out, new titles, confirmed dates for others, Xenoblade Chronicles X and Zelda Wii U both looking gorgeous. They where heavily scrutinised when they separated from the usual E3 conference style, but it's honestly worked in their favour. Not only that, but it got exactly the same coverage as everyone elses this year because of Twitch, and they're using it well. Treehouse has been a great choice too, it's giving in depth looks, with legit gameplay from people who(mostly) know what they are doing.
Better yet, the announcements haven't stopped, with more tomorrow and some even passing minutes after their breifing. I think they honestly hit the nail on the head, deservedly winners this year. I can finally say, i want a WiiU by October.
NormanicGrav said:
Rainbow Six Patriots wasn't even shown at E3 which is ridiculous because I really want play that game, stupid Ubisoft. And then they announce another Rainbow Six game, like WTF.

My mistake, I meant Rainbow Six Siege! As far as I know, Patriots was cancelled and changed to Siege.