This won't change my stance much at the moment. The failbox has Halo, possibly project spark and that's about it for me at the moment. Ryse is a QTE borefest which, even if you press the wrong button, will do the action, so to "lessen the frustration on the player". Thanks crytek, make games easier for us. Battlefield i've never played, FFXV and KH3 i'll get on the system they where initially built for, Destiny i'll get on PC or PS4, aaaaaand yeah. Killer Instinct has never taken my fancy.
What's more, this does't lessen the price tag, which is way to high. £429 is something i can't even consider hitting at the moment, so me ever being able to buy the console is slim. PS4 isn't much better, but at least it is better. Instead i'm going to probably buy a WiiU in october. Wind Waker HD, Mario/Luigi U, Wonderful 101, Pikmin, Donkey Kong, those indie titles, yeah i've got stuff i want there now.