E3 2013

X looked pretty hype, but I thought was really the game to show the gap between the Wii U and the current gen consoles when you compare its environments and textures to those of The Witcher 3.

Zelda looked like game of the show though, can't wait for more info.

vashdaman said:
Boyes throws a lil sugar my way: https://twitter.com/amboyes/statuses/476285991255175168

I don't know if he's selling me a dream, or if there's substance behind that, but I will gladly eat that glimmer of hope up with a spoon.
Ahaha, Boyes is the pied piper, indeed.
Really impressed with the Digital Event from Nintendo yesterday. Great humour and good reveals.

2014 Titles

Hyrule Warriors - I'm a massive Zelda geek, have been for 24 years. This will be bought. Looks like loads of fanservice too (hookshotting the Moon from Majoras Mask!)
Captain Toad - Oh yes! My favourite part of SUper Mario 3D world just got its own title.
Bayonetta 2 - Never played the first so admittedly i was going to skip this, but the inclusion of the first just made it a no brainer
Super Smash Bros - Looks quality but never really been a smash fan. The 3DS mission based mode looks great, can't wait to see what the Wii U version has.

2015 Titles

Zelda - True Open world and looks gorgeous. Cannot wait.
Xenoblade Chronicles X - The story trailer didn't do much for me, but the 40 minute gameplay demo later on....my word, I need this game.
Yoshis Wooly World - I didn't expect this to look as good as it does. I hope for a CE with a Yarn Yoshi :)
Kirby and The Rainbow Curse - Didn't like Canvas Course on the DS. Adore the claymation look though. Unsure about buying though
Mario Maker - Could be amazing as long as the share function works properly (and like with pushmo the makers of the levels have to complete it first to ensure no impossible levels)
Splatoon - And people say Nintendo don't do new IPs or Online. Looks a blast, but im not really an online play sort of guy. Hope it does well for them.
From 5pm yesterday until 3am this morning, I was watching nothing but Nintendo's stuff (the Smash Invitational Tournament was awesome!). They absolutely dominated this year. My ranking of E3 this year is:
Nintendo >>>>> Sony > Ubisoft > Microsoft > EA

Admittedly, I'm not a huge fan of the art style of the new Zelda game. It's really funny how Nintendo are basically repeating themselves with Wind Waker, by showing us a realistic looking techo demo before introducing us to a more animated art-style years later. The broad view of Hyrule looked amazing, but the close-up of who might be Link (as Aonuma stated that he never confirmed it was Link), did look like it needed a fair bit of touching up. Hyrule Warriors looked really fun though - MIDNA!

Also, Nintendo releasing the Captain Toad as a full retail game baffles me - does it really justify a £40 boxed game? I was expecting it to be a £20 or less eShop title to be honest. I hope they don't go this route with Mario Maker as well, because while it looks amazing, I think it would work best as a digital-only title.

I really liked the announcement of Splatoon - Nintendo jumping into the online shooter market is a bit late, but they're doing it in a typical Nintendo fashion. The game looks like it could be a lot of fun.

I have to say though, the stuff Miyamoto shown looked really awful. I'm looking forward to seeing that new Star Fox game next year though. Europe getting Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire a week after the rest of the world really sucks as well. There's rumours that this is because the first XY leaks apparently came from Italy. And where was Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem?

Nintendo still have more to announce (such as the 3DS game that's getting its own dedicated 90 minute developer session tomorrow), but so far, I would say that my games of the show are (in no particular order): No Man's Sky, Splatoon and Hyrule Warriors were the highlights for me.
I think you're probably underestimating how much Ninty are doing within that Zelda game in the context of it running on Wii U, graphically (compare the environments to those of Monolith Soft's game, for example). I doubt the game is actually meant to be played under any circumstances that would result in close ups like in the trailer.
ilmaestro said:
I think you're probably underestimating how much Ninty are doing within that Zelda game in the context of it running on Wii U, graphically (compare the environments to those of Monolith Soft's game, for example). I doubt the game is actually meant to be played under any circumstances that would result in close ups like in the trailer.
There will no doubt be cut scenes though. Obviously the game is very early in development, but I do hope the look is refined and smoothed out before release.
I think "the look" is exactly what you saw in the trailer, and the game is three years out of four into development (well, if you believe the 2015 date). It looks like a modernized version of Skyward Sword, to me, which is great. I'm not expecting them to try to fit in high-res skin textures or something, and you have to be realistic about how much the Wii U can handle when you're trying to make as ambitious a game as this looks like it will be.
New 3DS game is a new IP going by "Codename STEAM" a steampunk turn based strategy game with third person shooter action elements created by Intelligent Systems, aka those guys behind Advance Wars/Fire Emblem. A lot of people say it's like a third person FE/AW, but it's also very similar in style to that of Valkyria Chronicles. This pleases me. For something that could have been very iffy, this sounds like a great new idea to go forward with. It's coming out next year. I'll update with more details, but thinkg Steampunk London with Abe Lincoln vs Aliens
How I was sold on Code Name S.T.E.A.M.:
- Made by Intelligent Systems.
- Steampunk, set in 19th century London.
- Aesthetic and character designs inspired by Silver Age of Comics.
- ALIENS which have designs inspired by the H.P. Lovecraft mythos.

It will apparently be a huge focus of Nintendo's Treehouse stuff later today. Graphically, from the few screenshots with seen, it doesn't look that great, but considering that the studio behind Fire Emblem: Awakening are working on it, I imagine that when it gets closer to release it'll look a lot prettier.
Code Name S.T.E.A.M suffers the same thing that most 3DS games do, in that still screenshots really don't do it any justice. In motion however the game looks really nice. Sure it's not amazing graphically, but you don't go to a 3DS for intense graphics(though RE:Revelations does say hi). The gameplay is solid, and does really remind me of Valkyria Chronicles, but it also has hints of X-com thrown in too, which is great. Intelligent Systems know how to make a good game, and have always been pretty consistent with quality, so i have high hopes for this.

So i'm just finalising my E3 afterthoughts for my blog, but i think Nintendo ran away as this years winners, Sony where somewhere second and Microsoft where an overly safe last. They needed to do more, and be more risky. Nothing shouted out to me bar halo, and that's not enough to sell me on a console. Sony where good, with Bloodborne and dat Grim Fandango on the way really calling to me. I always have access to a PS4, so i'll probably pick them both up without too much issue.