E3 2013

Ranger Ryu

E3 is here woot, Microsoft are just finishing up their conference,including a new redesign of the Xbox 360, actually showing Xbox One games as well, the horror! :p

Xbox One will be released November 2013 for £429
I bought a Humax box earlier this year to watch TV on, so I won't need an Xbox One. Any news on the new games console though? Curious how much the PS4 will cost.

In regards to Microsoft's, I liked the look of Project Spark and although racing games aren't my thing, Forza looked really well done. The others though? I'm bored of shooters and zombies. Let's also not forget that a fair few of the games shown- and even the one they opened the presentation with, aren't exclusive.

I'm also not convinced that a lot of the games couldn't just play on current generation consoles.
Ranger Ryu said:
E3 is here woot, Microsoft are just finishing up their conference,including a new redesign of the Xbox 360, actually showing Xbox One games as well, the horror! :p

Xbox One will be released November 2013 for £loll/quote]
Small amendment.
PlayStation 4 being £80 less than the XBox One....

Bye bye Microsoft.

Sony just won everything.
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Region free, no online DRM, used game viable and a cheaper price tag. Sony essentially gave microsoft the corporate middle finger. The sheer amount they covered as well was immense. Not only did we get Versus XIII confirmed as FFXV(we expected this, but good we got it confirmed), and then getting Kingdom Hearts 3 from Nomura, we got a range of titles going to the PS3, confirmation of launch titles plus a load more games. I don't honestly think Microsoft can recover from this. They gave into the publishers and now push blame away for everything used game wise, still make you need to connect online once a day and just don't have the wide-ranging appeal that we just got from sony.

Also we should note, Sony spent at max, 10 minutes on TV/movies/music. 10, not a whole conference. Then it was back to games. Was all well played on their part.

As for EAs conference, i skipped nearly half of it because i just don't have any interest in their sports segment. Outwith that, we got PvZ: Garden Warfare which looks nice, a trailer for Dragon Age: Inquisition and a release of next autumn and a good looking multiplayer segment for Battlefield 4(you know, the area people buy the game for). I just don't do Modern Military shooters though, so i will probably avoid buying it.
So Nintendo has done their pre recorded E3 conference...........highlights?......New Super Smash Bros and Bayonetta 2.................that's pretty much it bar Monoliths new RPG due out next year, so to combat the PS4 and Xbox One coming out Nintendo are countering with The Legend of Zelda:The Wind Waker HD edition..............oh dear........
Ranger Ryu said:
So Nintendo has done their pre recorded E3 conference...........highlights?......New Super Smash Bros and Bayonetta 2.................that's pretty much it bar Monoliths new RPG due out next year, so to combat the PS4 coming out Nintendo are countering with The Legend of Zelda:The Wind Waker HD edition..............oh dear........

Nintendo are also apparently set to announce another Wii U game any minute now.

Honestly, Nintendo's Direct a disappointment. The highlight for me was the Pokémon news - and even the Fairy-type was leaked MONTHS ago.

Super Mario 3D World - So basically...a Wii U version of New Super Mario 3D Land, with the 4-player co-op of New Super Mario Bros., but with Peach instead of another Toad.
Mario Kart 8 - So they took Mario Kart 7 and Mario Kart Wii and smashed them together? Also, are they seriously trying to go up against the PS4 this Christmas without Mario Kart?
Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Come on! You just released Country Returns for the 3DS.
Bayonetta 2 - Next year.
X - Nothing new was really shown.
Super Smash Bros. - Next year was practically guaranteed, but aside from Mega Man, it looks like standard Smash Bros. Nothing new.

Great idea to leave Christmas 2013 empty 9.9
Heh, that extra announcement turned out to be the Wii Fit girl showing up in Smash Bros. Yes that's it. Nintendo :roll:

Monolith Soft's X as ever is what has got my attention from Nintendo. The rest of the Nintendo Direct was just safe and predictable, if pleasant enough. I didn't see anything that would really propel the Wii U's sales out of its current rut.

Sony's conference was one to remember, just for the beatdown that Jack Tretton delivered to Microsoft right at the end :lol: Microsoft at least brought some games, but their DRM combined with that price makes their console completely irrelevant to me.
MGS 5. Lord have mercy, that trailer! Only thing beating that is a surprise Shenmue announcement (I'll even take a re-release!).
Highlights for me are Mirrors Edge 2, Watch Dogs and Sony's Entire E3 Show - Especially the new trailer for Versus XIII and KH3 being confirmed, although I have very mixed opinions of the new look. I was incredibly disappointed on the Vita front though. FIVE NEW GAMES! All ports...
I honestly don't remember much of Ubisoft's conference, but EA's was the usual Sports/Wubblefield/'Celebrity' crap, and ME2 was the only good thing to come from it. I also didn't watch, nor have I even watched a Konami conference.

I've literally just watched Nintendo's 'E3' and I am completely underwhelmed. The new Pokemon game(s) looks awful, Nintendo are ******** out Mario games like there's no tomorrow and Wind Waker HD is Wink Waker in Widescreen with improved lighting and BLOOM EVERYWHERE. The new Xenoblade game might be cool, but I couldn't help thinking how much better it would look on the proper next gen consoles. Smash Bros I though I would be super hyped for, but no, nothing. I just don't feel anything Nintendo and honestly I have no reason whatsoever to even consider buying a Wii U at all. 3ds on the other hand, announce a DS Lite equivalent which has a better screen and non-****** sound and I'll bite.

PS4 is a definite buy from me, and I fail to see why anyone would even be considering buying the Xboned considering it's more expensive, has ridiculous DRM and potentially restricts the sale of used games. I do predict that a lot of games will go Multiplatform/Cross Gen though due to the dev costs and such. Whilst I was a bit annoyed when I found out, it's not surprising that Versus XIII and KH3 will be on Xbone too considering Square's financial position.

EDIT: Regarding Destiny and AC4, I watched the conference on Youtube earlier but were the issues there on the livestream? (appearing to be Stuttering every so often/AC4 Freezing?)
If this is the case, I hope this is just due to early development. I haven't actually looked forward to an AC game after I found Brotherhood to be a massive disappointment - skipping Revelations and 3 entirely. I'd be looking to play both games probably.

EDIT2: Just watched the MGSV trailer... Wow... I want it, and the only MGS game I own is 4 and I haven't played more than 20 minutes of it...