dont you just hate it when.........

The thing that makes me grrrrr at the moment is people who leave untranslated japanese words in the script when translating to English.

Sometimes it is done because there is no way to translate it to english, I dont have a problem with this. I dont mind attack names being left in oiginal either because sometimes it sounds better.

When there is a perfectly good english world (ie kawaii, baka etc.) its stupid.

I just feel like it gets done by fans to win fan wank points , ie I'm a bigger and better fan than you because I know japanese. Fansubbers are the worst, they are always claming that there is no accurate english translation to some words when there is. It reminds me of teenages talking slang to piss off parents.

I dont like the obsession with honorifics. People get so worked up about them to the point of wanting them to be left in the dub. I think this makes speech seem strange and over formal when left in the english version. I dont refer to my friend as Mr or Miss x, i dont refer to my sister as little sister when speaking to her, I use her actual name. I feel that by using the right words you can show the relationship between 2 people without honorific.

I know this runs counter to what a lot of people say, but I just wanted to get it of my chest. Please do not consider this a personal attack if you like honorifics. order something online, and all is well until it ends up in the hands of the royal mail, who can't even meet amazon's generous delivery estimate. Guess I'm going to be waiting around on Monday too since it won't fit through the letterbox *sigh*

Also I've never really had much time for 25/26 episodes shows that have two openings. Just stinkls of *buy more albums/songs* to me. I think it was code geass that went all out with two OPs and three EDs during its first season...
Truered said:
Also I've never really had much time for 25/26 episodes shows that have two openings. Just stinkls of *buy more albums/songs* to me. I think it was code geass that went all out with two OPs and three EDs during its first season...
It was three opening themes and 2 ending themes irrc (in fact, the third opening was only used for the final two episodes!). Fairy Tail is pretty bad at that too, with a new opening roughly around every 11-12 episodes.

Corra said:
I dont like the obsession with honorifics. People get so worked up about them to the point of wanting them to be left in the dub. I think this makes speech seem strange and over formal when left in the english version. I dont refer to my friend as Mr or Miss x, i dont refer to my sister as little sister when speaking to her, I use her actual name. I feel that by using the right words you can show the relationship between 2 people without honorific.
I 100% agree. I was watching K-On! the other day, and was rather put off at how the honorifics were kept; if anything, it helps isolate the show from a general audience. If it is really important to show the relationship between two characters with an honorific like "-chan" or "-kun", wouldn't it be wiser to replace their name with a nickname or a sortened version (for example, a few dubs I've seen replace -kun with 'boy' and shorten the person's name; which delivered a pretty similar effect).
They really use honorifics in dubs now? How strange!

I don't even like them that much in subs unless they are directly plot-relevant, as they are clutter and I have ears to hear them in the audio track itself. Splicing them into English in the dub seems a bit weird and unnatural. I guess it makes the lip movements sync up better at times..? Surely it would be better to get the actors to learn how to pronounce the characters' names correctly than make them stiltedly insert things that most of the audience won't even understand?

Honorifics are rarely used in dubs (unless I'm not noticing them) but sometimes they creep in depending on the type of show.

Worse is when subtitles use the characters' first names when the Japanese dialogue is using the characters' surnames (e.g. Honey & Clover). Hearing and reading something completely different causes a jarring disconnect in my head.
I think subs should follow the Japanese pretty closely - name order and honorifics I don't see the need to change. Putting them into dub tracks seems super strange, though.

fabricatedlunatic said:
Nice one, maestro - that's around the same price and, handily, they accept Paypal too. These days I've completely forgotten about DVD Pacific.
And I didn't actually realize they accepted paypal. ^^;
I havent seen them much in dubs at all, but I have seen people on forums wanting them to keep 'the purity' of the translation.

When I watch subs with them in they clutter the text and agree that it can be off putting to a general audience. I know what they are, but my boyfriend has no idea what they are. Its hard enough to get somebody into the idea of watching subs without making them harder to understand.

TBH, I think its just of those things that there will never be a solution that everyone will agree on.
i hate it when a character is the most hated in the series thats
hurt others
though the hole series and everybody hates that character then she trys to redeem her self .

from peach girl sae yeah at the beginning of the series i hate her i hate her and she gose so far down the ladder you want her to get a taste of her own medicine and she does and she trys to redeem her self, in the end you and but like her
ilmaestro said:
Wait... why do you hate that? Are you against second chances and the general idea of redemption?
no im all for 2nd 3th 4th 5th 6th chances il for give anyone.
but sea puts her self in a situation that makes you want to hate her. i forgave her at the end but i just cant stand how far she'll go to get what she wants. but at the same time i felt sorry for her