i hate it when other people put dvds that not anime in the anime section on the dvd rake
Do you hate it when other people also put anime in non-anime sections?animefreak17 said:i hate it when other people put dvds that not anime in the anime section on the dvd rake
Hmm. On one hand, you are definitely correct. On the other, it still felt weird.animefreak17 said:@ilmaestro this is the i hate it when.......... thread im not changing topic
im a weird guy dose that ease your feelingilmaestro said:Hmm. On one hand, you are definitely correct. On the other, it still felt weird.animefreak17 said:@ilmaestro this is the i hate it when.......... thread im not changing topic
It was three opening themes and 2 ending themes irrc (in fact, the third opening was only used for the final two episodes!). Fairy Tail is pretty bad at that too, with a new opening roughly around every 11-12 episodes.Truered said:Also I've never really had much time for 25/26 episodes shows that have two openings. Just stinkls of *buy more albums/songs* to me. I think it was code geass that went all out with two OPs and three EDs during its first season...
I 100% agree. I was watching K-On! the other day, and was rather put off at how the honorifics were kept; if anything, it helps isolate the show from a general audience. If it is really important to show the relationship between two characters with an honorific like "-chan" or "-kun", wouldn't it be wiser to replace their name with a nickname or a sortened version (for example, a few dubs I've seen replace -kun with 'boy' and shorten the person's name; which delivered a pretty similar effect).Corra said:I dont like the obsession with honorifics. People get so worked up about them to the point of wanting them to be left in the dub. I think this makes speech seem strange and over formal when left in the english version. I dont refer to my friend as Mr or Miss x, i dont refer to my sister as little sister when speaking to her, I use her actual name. I feel that by using the right words you can show the relationship between 2 people without honorific.
And I didn't actually realize they accepted paypal. ^^;fabricatedlunatic said:Nice one, maestro - that's around the same price and, handily, they accept Paypal too. These days I've completely forgotten about DVD Pacific.
no im all for 2nd 3th 4th 5th 6th chances il for give anyone.ilmaestro said:Wait... why do you hate that? Are you against second chances and the general idea of redemption?