Episode 2
Quite the nautical theme to this episode. We also get a glimpse at the world's history as well as the origin of the stones. Life forms that went into the ocean ended up being consumed by microorganisms and turned into inorganic material. From the last episode we've learned that there are also microorganisms
inside of them. I think it's safe to assume that these refer to the same(?). Which raises the question what gave them life: is it the consumed life forms (rebirth), the microorganisms (collective), developed over time while rising to the surface ("evolution" kind of...) or is there a creator?
One piece of information that I found really insightful is that they perform a durability test every 100 years, as this gives some clue to their lifespans. In general I would assume this leads to a pretty stable status quo, but the story seems to hint at a lot of "recent" changes instead. While I don't recall if it was explicitly stated how long ago, but the kidnapping of Helio seemed quite recent and Phos just gained a job. Bort has also gotten a lot stronger "lately", leaving Diamond feeling useless.
My favourite part of the episode is actually Diamond asking Phos to come up with a word for this dichotomy. Creating new words in order to better communicate an idea is a powerful tool. To illustrate, while Diamond managed to put it in words quite well already, it would be hard for Diamond to describe changes over time. If the balance of the two feelings or the nature of either of them changes (e.g. becoming literal hatred towards Bort), the new word can be used as reference point. There are some studies that even suggest having additional words can even improve the capability of humans to classify and specify things. In some cases even "improving" ones senses. Now this is all a bit debatable, but I think there's some truth to it. For example, if I would ask you guys what the distinction between cute, moe and kawaii is, I'm sure there will be plenty of answers. While there might not be a single definition that everyone agrees on, each community likely has some "average" for each of these terms. We can thus use them to convey slightly different things. Before learning these words it was difficult, if not impossible, to express these subtle differences (not that we needed to, probably

Anyway, this also ties nicely into Phos' role of writing an encyclopedia. Phos would need to categorize the things that are out there and this will at times involve naming things. Then it hit me, there are a lot of unnamed things, it seems. In the previous episode there were a lot of plants left unnamed. Logically they don't have names, since the rocks don't need any names for them. But wouldn't that make Phos endeavour meaningless in and of itself? Is anyone going to reference that encyclopedia at all, especially if it might be filled with things that never needed a name? As
@Vincentdante also remarked, it could be that the Master has an alternative goal for Phos and writing an encyclopedia is just a guise.
In the broader scheme of things, their master must have some goal in mind, but it's hard to guess what it is. Most "jobs" seem to be in some way related to defending against the Lunarians. Thus far we have seen no preparations for counter attacking. In fact, we don't really see any construction towards anything taking place. If defending was the primary goal, wouldn't it make more sense to have a slightly less open and prominent building (perhaps even multiple buildings). They could be partially recessed into the ground as to still allow direct sunlight, but otherwise providing protection. This, coupled with the fact that they refer to the building as "school", makes me feel this is more an experiment of sorts. Though, as already stated in this thread, the master doesn't seem particularly trustworthy. While at this point I don't think he is evil, I also don't think he necessarily has their best interest in mind. Let's say this would all be an experiment he devised, I wouldn't be surprised if he discarded them as soon as the experiment was concluded.
Plenty of questions left and some new ones added. Were the Lunarians aware of the Master's meditation or was it just coincidence? What did Bort intend to do to Phos when she was about to
"obliterate your worries"? Breaking Phos in piece wouldn't have been nice, but as far as we've seen, not irreversible. Unless... this doesn't apply equally to all parts of the body? In the first episode everyone seemed slightly concerned when the blade was about to land on Phos' head and this episode we saw the eyes floating. Could it be that the head and/or eyes are still something special, perhaps even containing the most memories or something?
The end of the episode did take me by surprise a bit. Still not sure what the sea creature represents nor how it was able to melt through all the rocks with ease, but it does serve as an interesting cliffhanger. What made this a bit weak though, is that Phos was the one that got "eaten" by it. I could be wrong, but given that this is only the second episode, Phos is the main character and we just learned that they the gems were created from small inorganic material drifting in the ocean... this didn't really feel like a real threat and can likely be reverted (next episode?).
Unless I completely misread it, there were two bright lights visible from within the creature (timestamp 20:40). These seemed to match with both Bort and Diamond, and at 21:51 we see a single light gradually becoming brighter right before the episode ends. My guess, is that this represents one of the gems rescuing Phos. Seeing as she still seems conscious and having (some) memories of Cinnabar in this state, hope is definitely not lost.