Jon O Fun
Za Warudo
Literally just the second disc. I got Wiseman's Grandchild last week and Parasite a few weeks ago and they both play fine. Checked a few old discs too, went with Cowboy Bebop (AL's 1st release) then went even further back to the very first blu ray I even bought Superbad (it's a classic). Both run perfectly.How old is the PS4? If it's seen more the 3000 hours of disc play, the laser might be dying. It might be worth checking some old discs that you're sure that work to see if they still do. Either that or it needs a firmware update if it's only the newer discs that it's refusing to read.
I think it's more Manga done a snafu...

And to chime in on the PS4 as a blu ray player debate, I'd say a good 90% of people I know who aren't anime fans use PS3s and PS4s as blu ray players. PS4 has sold over 100 million units, gets constant firmware updates and can be picked up relatively cheap.