Defective or Disappointing UK Anime Discs

Including styling and signs displayed concurrently to dialogue? That would be a first for Com'on Screen... or they did not author the disc, contrary to what the french credits claims.
Another interesting thing to note, according to Normanic Grav's blog is that the English subtitles are not locked during playback, but the French subtitles are. Normally, with Com'on Screen authored discs, the subtitles would be locked regardless of language settings, if I'm correct.
Then is it also the case for Bleach: Thousand Year Blood Wars? That's another shared author and the french subtitles are all messed up and lacks all signs.
At least Bleach TWBW has French subs - not like the 279,99 € Macross Plus Edition sold by Anime Ltd France, for which the French subs are completely missing (and recently they even updated the product description instead of fixing that issue)
At least Bleach TWBW has French subs - not like the 279,99 € Macross Plus Edition sold by Anime Ltd France, for which the French subs are completely missing (and recently they even updated the product description instead of fixing that issue)
Well, that's some really dishonest sales practices at best, not really a defect. My questions on Yohane and TWBW are to find out who is responsible for butchering the subtitles scripts that badly on all french discs. AL France essentially is blaming Com'On Screen for being unable to author proper subtitles, but evidently they are absolutely capable of doing so, as seen with Yohane and TWBW may confirm that if it has dialogue aside of signs in the english subs, for example. Yohane definitely supports the idea that Anime Limited has some staff sabotating french subtitles.
I looked at the first post and a few pages back from here in the thread and didn't see it mentioned here. Episode 6 of Season 1 of Classroom of the Elite has no English subtitles. This is the Crunchyroll UK version; the US one is an older release, a different encode and authoring, and doesn't have the issue.

I wasn't the one that discovered it; Broken Phoenix was, but I verified it on my own copy. He never got any useful response that I know of, so I guess it will not be fixed. I didn't report it as I'm not in the UK so by Crunchyroll's definition I shouldn't own it anyway. The initial post on the issue is here and there's a few followups over the next page or so::
I looked at the first post and a few pages back from here in the thread and didn't see it mentioned here. Episode 6 of Season 1 of Classroom of the Elite has no English subtitles. This is the Crunchyroll UK version; the US one is an older release, a different encode and authoring, and doesn't have the issue.

I wasn't the one that discovered it; Broken Phoenix was, but I verified it on my own copy. He never got any useful response that I know of, so I guess it will not be fixed. I didn't report it as I'm not in the UK so by Crunchyroll's definition I shouldn't own it anyway. The initial post on the issue is here and there's a few followups over the next page or so::

Unfortunately, I never got a useful response in relation to this issue. I tried their customer service and even tried contacting them on twitter to no avail.

I ended up selling the set.
Unfortunately, I never got a useful response in relation to this issue. I tried their customer service and even tried contacting them on twitter to no avail.

I ended up selling the set.
It's really disappointing they just ignore an error this major. I can understand why they don't fix cases of a missing line or two in subtitles, but an entire episode makes it worthless unless you watch the dub instead, which I'm not going to do.

In my case, I already had the (OOP, I think) US version so I have something that is complete at least. The UK version has better video quality though as it is a new encode with a higher bitrate, and a more even split of episodes between the two discs. :confused: