David Cameron: a Prime Minister you can be proud of?

Communism is the perfect ideal that can never be, because humanity itself is to corrupt to allow it to be.

@animefreak17: nothing you've said has anything to do with Communism. Seriously. Your vague ideas of what communism is are nothing but misconceptions. Please go read up on it at least a little bit first.
well i heard that in communism that if youv got a doctor and a road sweeper
in democracy as a doctor you'd get payed more and a road sweeper gets like £12.99 a week for example and a doctor gets 20.000 a year for example
in communism everyone gets payed the same. you have to work really hard to be come a doctor and its easy to be a road sweeper. if everyone wanted the easy way and took the road sweeper job and then no one would take the doctors job. and if there no doctors no ones there to help you with sicknesses.
Communism isn't the Perfect Ideal, it's not my Ideal.

Democracy Is overrated it isn't perfect but it's the closest thing to it. Everone gets a say what they like, what hate, to their elected representive and they repersent us in the forum.

And with it we can Remove the people we don't like, who arn't serving the people. you get your voice heard Communist don't like it's slaves being heard and they don't like their power being taken away from them.

The biggest danger with communism is that the state is all mighty i prefer a small state system one that does abit but dosen't interfere with everyones life by enforcing bad laws onto us, taxing us unfairly high amounts. the Magna Carta is an excellant document that restrics power from the state and give basic rights to it's people.
Soubi-Hurt said:
The biggest danger with communism is that the state is all mighty i prefer a small state system one that does abit but dosen't interfere with everyones life by enforcing bad laws onto us, taxing us unfairly high amounts.

Only if the state is run by capitalists will you get this. And yet, I know that the potential exists that those in power in a communist government could be capitalists masquerading as communists, but filling their own pockets, as has happened in the past in all governments. However, uncorrupted communism is still the perfect ideal.

Also, for all you religious folk out there, you ought to know that Jesus practised the fundamental principles of communism. Whether you believe in the rest of it or no, there is no denying he was a good guy.

Edit: I made a spelling error. It is gone now.
Mutsumi said:
It really isn't as simple as that though.
but they do it.
in my eyes
*the more you learn the more you earn*
the more you do your best the greater the reward
if people were payed the same them there would be no progress
if someone did something that was amazing like find a cure for something or is a great renowned scientists for discovered something. hes pay would be the same as everyone else, for these sort of people they should get payed more to set an example for other people ( if i can do it you can do it )
Witch-hunting (theres no such thing as witches and religious nutters claim they were right about witches back in the day )

Churches involved in torture, murder of thousands of African children denounced as witches October 17 2009

gays have been killed in the name of religion

the crusades

touching children

7/7 and 9/11

i can go on and on and on and on religions just a tool to gather the masses for wars.
animefreak17 said:
Mutsumi said:
animefreak17 said:
religions a tool to gather the masses nothing more

Most religion teaches a good set of moral guidelines too.
il agree but but iv made up my own mind how to llive my life instead of following something that thinks for me
That's hilarious because you've been taken in by atheist propaganda. You haven't thought for yourself one bit. You are tool if you think even 90% of religious people condone all of that. Human retardation is responsible not. Not religion.

Must be nice to conveniently forget all the Russian citizens Stalin killed in his time under a communist regime or all the people that die in political conflicts.
Maxon said:
animefreak17 said:
Mutsumi said:
animefreak17 said:
religions a tool to gather the masses nothing more

Most religion teaches a good set of moral guidelines too.
il agree but but iv made up my own mind how to llive my life instead of following something that thinks for me
That's hilarious because you've been taken in by atheist propaganda. You haven't thought for yourself one bit.
im atheist and proud of it theres nothing wrong with that.
and if religion tells us the worlds over a few thousand years old how com we found evidence of the earth being billions of years old and how do you explain the dinosaurs.

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