Currency vs Brexit: GBP Losses

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I want education to be free.

Free to whom? The money has to come from somewhere. Unless you are arguing that teachers and lecturers should work for free, exam boards should work for free, people who produce textbooks should work for free, journals should be run for free, school buildings should be maintained for free...

Lets see him not go into coalition if needs arise.

He won't - leastways not one headed by May or Corbyn. Bear in mind that Farron is a great believer in politicians doing as they say they will - as I mentioned before, this was his reason for voting against the tuition fee changes. And also bear in mind that any coalition would have to go through the party members, who are far more distrustful of both May and Corbyn than of either Brown or Cameron - and also that they will be considering the fact that (unlike 2010) the party's policy is to not go into coalition with either.
Tim farron shot himself in the foot when he purposed a second referendum people simply don't want one he thought he could get remain voters on his side but even the majority of them don't think there should be a second referendum
The priminister said that in leaving the European Union we would be leaving the single market so did the remain campaign and the media you seem to think people who voted leave didn't understand this fact your ignorantly mistaken people knew what they voted for stop pretending that your smarter than them

I'm not. You're the one painting everyone with the same brush.

Incidentally, how is it that when things that Cameron/Osbourne warned would happen following a leave vote don't happen it's all "Cameron/Osborne/Remain campaign were just saying scaremongering nonsense, the leave campaign never said this" from the leavers, but whenever it does happen it's all "Cameron/Osborne/Remain campaign said this would happen so of course it's going to no matter what the leave campaign said".
I'm not. You're the one painting everyone with the same brush.

Incidentally, how is it that when things that Cameron/Osbourne warned would happen following a leave vote don't happen it's all "Cameron/Osborne/Remain campaign were just saying scaremongering nonsense, the leave campaign never said this" from the leavers, but whenever it does happen it's all "Cameron/Osborne/Remain campaign said this would happen so of course it's going to no matter what the leave campaign said".
WOW that's confusing I don't think they Cameron/Osborne/Remain were scare mongering we haven't left the single market yet so who know what's to come at the very least in the short term were going to be poorer for it.

I know Leave said a lot of nonsense about still having access to the single market and maybe there right it's really up to wherever the UE values there project more than the prosperity of there people

To be honest I felt sick when I heard the result but what's done is done no point looking to the past and saying what if
Voting Labour or Green today, this is my third General Election and I suspect once again my vote will go to waste as it has done both times prior.

The fact that May looks set to win is about as depressing as I can possibly imagine. Why people consistently vote against their needs is always beyond me. Exactly at what moment have the Conservatives proven themselves worthy to be in government over the last 7 years or so?

  • Practically Doubled the National Debt (£958bn in 2010 is now £1.7? Trillion in 2017)
  • Nearly broke up the United Kingdom
  • Gave us the EU referendum, just to keep a few back benchers happy. Robbing Generations of everything the EU offers.
  • Cut Public Services over and over again
  • Bedroom Tax
  • The demoralizing and hounding of our Disabled
  • Popularizing Zero Hour Contracts, leaving so many with no stable income.
  • Privatizing the NHS, while also leaving the system in tatters and open to attack despite warnings.
  • Missed every single Immigration target they have set by a HUGE MARGIN

But then I hear you say well at least they can handle Brexit better than Labour, because they are stable and sensible and May is a bloody difficult woman?

  • She has already given up the Single Market before negotiations
  • She has already given up the Customs Union before negotiations
  • She wants Free Trade with the rest of the world but not the biggest Trade partner we (and the biggest in the world) already have!?
Basically she has already made this about as easy as she can by giving up mostly everything of value. But it's okay because No Deal is Better than a Bad Deal? cue obnoxious cheer from idiots. Anything different to what we currently have is a BAD DEAL, no if's or buts it just is. So a No Deal might as well be the equivalent of aiming the reticle directly at ourselves and pushing the red button. Also I'm pretty sure No Deal is about the easiest stance you can possibly make when negotiating, it certainly requires the least amount of thought. Yay for strong and stable leadership now lets run with our tails between our legs.

Then there is the Conservative Manifesto, which I'm pretty sure has not a single positive thing in it. Who cares about hope and making things better? not when these Strong and Stable (which is a joke by this point) Conservatives can continue to make all our lives worse. Here are the main pledges in that Manifesto

  • Your House will now need to pay for your Social Care, so in your time of need you'll be safe in the knowledge that the nest egg you worked your whole life for is being whittled away and put into the pockets of the government and not those you love.
  • No more free meals for our Children, because you know what deserves votes more than the image of more Hungry children.
  • No more Triple Lock on your pension
  • Removal of Winter Fuel payments
  • Promising once again to get net migration down to 100,000 despite years of failure in doing so
  • Promising to Fund the NHS £8bn extra by 2023.
Okay so lets be real here 90% of that is depressing as ****. Why would anyone want to vote for this? Because of the Brexit stuff!? You can't be serious. Not only that the 10% positive stuff of NHS funding and migration to some degree is still something they absolutely cannot be trusted on. Not even abit. The NHS is in crisis under the conservatives and as I've mentioned they have missed every single migration target year on year.

Also it's perhaps worth mentioning that not a single part of it is COSTED! Yet apparently it's Labour that have a money problem not the Conservatives with their uncosted Manifesto and doubling of the National Debt and crippling of our Public Services. Seriously the idiocy of people is enough to make me get so frustrated. The Conservatives are and always will be the Nasty Party, they will never have your best interests at heart. They aren't in Government for you they are in Government for themselves and those that got them there to begin with. They are the posh boys, toffs or wannabe posh boys and toffs and couldn't relate to you and your life for a single moment.

Do you remember the Labour Government? 1997-2010? I don't know about you but the UK seemed like a much happier place back then. Sure they weren't perfect, the Iraq War was a huge mistake and the Financial Crash while not their fault happened with them in charge. But I remember being much happier back then, as was my family and the families of friends. Families weren't on Foodbanks, they weren't Taxed just because they had successfully brought up their child and they had left home i.e Bedroom Tax. The NHS wasn't in crisis, not perfect sure but certainly healthier than it is now. The streets were safer. Things were just nicer from what I recall, not quite so bleak and depressing. Parties like UKIP and their blatant racism were a joke, not serious candidates. As a Nation we thrived under Labour, as I say not everything was great but we were better for it.

Don't let fear misguide you, take a chance on hope and don't trample on your own future as well as the futures of others. A vote for the Conservatives is a vote for further misery, anger, separatism and depression. It's a vote for crippling our public services and further enlarging the gap between the have and the have not's. Don't be fooled by their scare mongering and pursuit to make sure that you don't have a bright future and neither do your kids.

Now with all that off of my chest I will spend the rest of this miserable day watching Anime before checking the exit poll and crying myself to sleep while cursing this moronic country.
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If you're worried your vote won't count, google Tactical Voting and Best for Britain. Both help to reccomend the most likely anti Tory/UKIP candidate in your constituency, allowing you to vote for them and help oust a Tory with any luck.
If you're worried your vote won't count, google Tactical Voting and Best for Britain. Both help to reccomend the most likely anti Tory/UKIP candidate in your constituency, allowing you to vote for them and help oust a Tory with any luck.

Whereas tactical voting for the other lot boils down to 'Vote Tory'
The biggest problem I have with Corbyn labour is that there answer to all the countries problems is to make someone else pay for them e.g the magic money tree known as the rich.

If you introduce massive tax increases to the rich they will take there money and leave, I'm going to be honest about this socialism does not work it has never worked and no socialist will ever tell you that they are trying to in rich the poor, what they will tell you is that are trying to impoverish the rich they will of course dress it up in flowery language such as saying thing as making them pay there fair share and on the surface that may sound really reasonable but to the rich this seems like a economic attack because it is and they respond buy defending themselves and they defend themselves by leaving and I don't have to explain that if the wealthy people in your country leave you cannot tax them to pay for the services you won't for the poor.
Another thing that irritates me about Cobryns Labour party is the notion that they represent the working class. Labour's campaign slogan is for the many and not the few which is highly an ironic campaign slogan given the people who Jeremy Cobryn actually represents. On Cobryns website he has an article called we need a strong trade union in every workplace, In it he says we win when we're in touch with the need and the concerns of the millions of working people and their families - the people the trade unions represent which is presumably why so many trade union demands are present in the Labour manifesto. The manifesto contains more than 100 policies demanded by trade unions that are bankrolling the Labour election campaign whole chunks of Labour's manifesto seem to have been copied and pasted from proposals put forward by unions so given the heavy influence these unions have over Labour who exactly do they represent the answer is of course the few. Trade union membership is the lowest it's been since the 2nd world war 6.2 million were in unions last year thats 275.000 less than the year before even despite an overall increase in the size of the workforce, it's the biggest fall since the figures began to be collected in their current form in 1975 More women than men are in union membership 3.3 million and 2.8 million respectively, middle income workers earning between £500 and £999 a week are more likely to be members than people in jobs with high or lower pay also higher paid public sector employees are more likely to be in unions than private sector workers earning less, more than 60 percent of such public servants are in unions compared with 10 percent of the lower paid private sector roles. Rather than representing the working class the unions represent the interest of the middle class publicly employed women presumably working in the NHS and they are bleeding support at a record rate.

So In Short Jeremy Cobryn does not represent the many he does not represent the working class he represents the middle class public sector workers who are demanding more and more money from the government and they expect to tax the rich to pay for this ever increasing cost, But it feels good saying I'm in favour of taxing the rich to pay for things for the poor but in truth you will be paying for things for the middle class and you won't be able to tax the rich because they will simply leave and your socialist system will fail exactly the same way Venezuela's social system has failed and that is the economic reality of it.
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Wow, busy day itt (maybe it's time to rename it "the politics and current affairs thread" or something?)

no socialist will ever tell you that they are trying to in rich the poor, what they will tell you is that are trying to impoverish the rich
I'm trying to enrich the poor. There, now you've heard it.

I'm an economic socialist because I've seen that if you leave things up to the "free market" all the wealthy do is try to drive down people's wages while squeezing more and more profit out of them to enrich themselves. Despite all the talk of recovery people's wages aren't going up, in fact they've FALLEN 10% in real terms.

Source: UK real wages decline of over 10% is the most severe in the OECD (equal to Greece)

Meanwhile, while ordinary people's wages are falling and their living costs are going up, what's happening to the incomes and wealth of the super rich? Oh, they're going UP. What a surprise.

Source: Richest 1% owns 20 times more than UK's poorest 20% | Press releases | Oxfam GB

I cannot understand for the life of me how anyone can defend people earning millions upon millions of pounds a year and not being able to afford a bit more tax so that, y'know, the people at the bottom aren't homeless or having to use food banks or rely on benefits DESPITE being in work because they aren't paid a living wage. How much better would it be for everyone if employers had to pay a decent wage and your tax didn't have to go to providing in-work benefits? At the moment government policy is essentially subsidising the private sector to enable employers to pay lower wages, which is a goddamn travesty.

Unions might not have such high membership any more (unfortunately, imo everyone should join a union if they can - It's hardy Corbyn's fault if people don't join a union that's going to look after their interests) but their ideas still seek to help improve the incomes and working conditions of workers. Do you think those union ideas are not socialist and would not help the majority of workers if they were implemented?
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I'm not defending the millionaires (they can go suck a bag of ducks) I'm just pointing out the sad fact that if you introduce massive tax increase to the rich then you will get capital flight and if that happens then it's the poor who will take the brunt of the burden more so than they have under Tory austerity
5% of everything over £150,000 is hardly a massive increase. Most people who earn above that are probably tax dodgers anyway.
And raising it will create more tax Dodgers and business will duck of somewhere else the IFS have accused Labour of living in a fantasy world and said there tax hike proposals won't even get close to the £48.6 billion claimed and could be hugely damaging to the economy and if the economy surfers who takes the hit the poor and public sectors.
Punctuation is your friend. 3 line sentences are very hard to read.
At least Labour have actually costed their manifesto rather than just pulling figures out of thin air unlike the Tories. Trickle down economics just doesn't work, despite what the rich want you to believe. And quite honestly, I'd rather the tax dodgers ****** off completely and stopped bleeding the country dry and exploiting everyone who isn't the 1%. If your business can't afford to pay its workers a fair wage then it deserves to fail. That's the true free market. No government intervention or subsidies.
Punctuation is your friend. 3 line sentences are very hard to read.
At least Labour have actually costed their manifesto rather than just pulling figures out of thin air unlike the Tories. Trickle down economics just doesn't work, despite what the rich want you to believe. And quite honestly, I'd rather the tax dodgers ****** off completely and stopped bleeding the country dry and exploiting everyone who isn't the 1%. If your business can't afford to pay its workers a fair wage then it deserves to fail. That's the true free market. No government intervention or subsidies.
I don't think the tax Dodgers will duck off they just keep on dodging taxes I'm worried about the ones that do ducking off. Just look at what's happening in Venezuela they can't even feed their people and the countries close to civil war. That's what happens when a socialist government tries to make the rich pay for everything.
Exit polls in seat prediction CON 314. LAB. 266. SNP. 34. UKIP. 0. LD. 14. PlaidCymru. 3 GREENS. 1. OTHER. 18
Con overall majority is possible, but not certain
Corbyn isn't even close to true socialist, despite what the right wing press would have you believe. This damn country has shifted so far to the right that anyone slightly too left of facist is seen as communist. He's not advocating the rich pay for everything, just that they pay their fair share. The rich benefit from the NHS as it means their workers stay healthy at comparatively little cost to them. The UK economy is far more developed than Venezuela's. We don't have the government distributing food. It's not even comparable Go read some of Another Angry Voice's articles on economics as he explains things far better than I do.
He's not advocating the rich pay for everything, just that they pay their fair share.
His entire plan revolves around getting £48.6 billion from taxing the rich which the IFS say isn't going to happen. But thank you for the link I'll give it a read
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