I'll hold my hand up and say that I've been intentionally trying to make this thread more ridiculous lately, since my normal reaction to people saying ridiculous things is to purposely say even more ridiculous ones. Because really, what's the point of debating regurgitated tabloid hyperbole that Corbyn is some kind of Stalinist monster who'd send everyone to the gulags and kill millions? What's the point in debating the idea a supporter of one political party or leader is responsible for what everybody else who share that one single opinion thinks and does? What's the point of debating the belief it's possible (perhaps even preferable) for the leader of a political party to control the minds and actions of their supporters? Eviv Bulgroz! Now there's a reference no-one will get. These ideas are so self-evidently ridiculous I don't really feel any need to say anything about them other than play up to the stereotype that yeah, come the revolution I'm going to be the one pushing Yvette Cooper and Chuka Umunna off Big Ben at bayonet point while I sing the Internationale and Jeremy drinks the blood of the Queen, before we send you all to gulags in the Highlands and twitter bully you to death.
I don't have to defend anything or anyone except myself and my own beliefs, and this tribalism by which I'm expected to defend or condemn every single thing Corbyn or another one of his supporters happens to say or do is tiring and stupid. I don't agree with everything he says or does, no. But then I don't agree with everything anyone else says or does, because we're all friggin' individuals with our own beliefs and ideas and nobody else is me. The point is I agree with more of what he says and believes than I do any of the other political parties or leaders because he's the only bloody political leader of the last 40 years in this country who actually believes in economic fairness and not some form of reheated Thatcherite free market neo-liberalism which has been making the rich richer and the poor (and middle class, by the way) poorer. Maybe that one simple difference is why he's popular, despite any of his other failings and all the crap people fling at him daily.
Rather than inspiring any kind of discussion or debate, this thread seems to just have devolved into the "have a moan about what you read in the media" thread, which I don't know about anyone else but I don't find particularly stimulating. Some people are very upset about Brexit. Fair enough. Some people hate Jeremy Corbyn. Fair enough. But I don't really know what anyone's trying to achieve here any more.