Don't worry, I was totally rooting for Suwa too, but I'm not sure I'd call them a couple![]()
I'd also take Azu and Hagita
Don't worry, I was totally rooting for Suwa too, but I'm not sure I'd call them a couple![]()
I'd also take Azu and Hagita
Lifting the mood, we all know the true best anime of the year:
See, these people agree:
I wonder if that's perhaps because there aren't a lot of heterosexual couples in the anime released this year? When I've sat and thought about it the only other couple that springs to mind for me (for a series I've watched anyway) is the very obvious pair in Durarara!! (who I am very fond of). Like so many other series have a harem or just no outright couples at all and otherwise I can only think of Durrr!!, Yuri and potentially Sound! that actually have couples of any sex. So many relationships are implied or hinted at but we never really get to the bottom of them within the anime themselves and it's usually left to the original manga/light novel.
Does Sousei no Onmyouji count? Then again I stopped watching the anime of that a while back so have no idea how it goes from there.
I'd also take Azu and Hagita
12-sai does. Momokuri too. Nobunaga no Shinobi does as well for that matter but that's because history. Mayoiga does but doesn't give it much focus. And there are a couple of others that have them at the end like. That's about it for the actual canonical heterosexual couples that I've seen alongside those already mentioned.ReLife and BokuMachi
Does Sousei no Onmyouji count? Then again I stopped watching the anime of that a while back so have no idea how it goes from there.
At least one of the couples in the actual poll is never more than hinted at, though, and including those the number increases greatly.
I could literally go back a few posts and quote you saying exactly that...You're totally getting the wrong impression here. For one, I never said it's bad, it's not, it's fairly nice, but nothing amazing.
I think I see what you're trying to say but I don't believe it has anything to do with what Rui meant by animation here.There's a large difference between not liking a show and not liking the animation. Even if you don't like either series, you have to admit that Yuri on Ice looks incredibly average in comparison, not to mention I've seen a few screencaps on Twitter of some less than stellar moments where it looks like total crap.
I could literally go back a few posts and quote you saying exactly that...
Anyway I'd like to point out, as an outsider who hasn't even seen the show, that it doesn't look at all like you think YOI is 'fairly nice, but nothing amazing'. You might really feel that way but it's definitely not what you're projecting by going berserk every time someone says something nice about it.
I meant the animation in that particular comment, rather than as a whole, but I think it's time we all moved on, so I won't go on...
Can confirm that PMs have been exchanged and we are all friends again. Everyone is able to mention Yuuri!!! On Ice in this thread as normal.
I bloody hope so. All I can currently think of at the moment is the phrase: "Won't you two get a room."
@IncendiaryLemon @Rui Why do I get the feeling I'll be referencing you two again when I review the final four episodes of Yuri!!! on Ice?
Ooh, I've been summoned. Funny timing, considering I haven't been on for a couple of weeks and happened to log in now. I hope I don't make anyone feel bad though.Now I'm just waiting for Smeelia to post in their usual well-mannered, open and respectful way and make us all feel bad.
I'd be tempted to allow that, on the basis that Leo probably deserves an award. That said, if we're not being too age restrictive then there's some serious competition even in the same show.Best Boy: Can I argue Leonardo Watch on the grounds BBB got home video this year? If not, no award.
I'd genuinely support this. If nothing else, it highlights that Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu has a wide variety of layers and works on several different levels.Best Girl: Yakumo from Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
Well, there's at least Megumin, Darkness and Chris. I suppose you could technically disqualify Megumin for property destruction and Chris doesn't appear much, but I'm not sure Darkness ever did anything to hurt anyone (she's probably the closest to a real hero, even if she does have some odd ideas).If any character from Konosuba had made it into best boy/girl, I'd be concerned for the state of anime. Everyone in that show does nothing but be mean to people, and Aqua exists purely to bend over.
not so long ago it was Buzz201 mad at a popular series being popular and now the roles are reversed and he (rather unusually) likes the popular choice.
Not intending to drag this up again. But end your celebrations, I haven't changed/been kidnapped or anything, I was seriously considering making up an award just to give it to Occultic;Nine. I've only seen two episodes, but I rather enjoyed those, and I really don't think it shat the bed like everyone said it did.