7888 - *Rolls a double one* ... Ah crap, not another spikey pitfall. (My character never gets a break...) TT_TTFoxstripe said:7878
HERO QUEST WAS AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Chaz haha
That's ok, I've just been trying to get paid-time off work for my dad's birthday dinner. Not sure I'm going to be that successful, as usually you're meant to give 2-weeks notice, but I was only told reservations were within my work time recently. And I told him I worked Wednesday evenings, butit's not like you can change your b-days though...BlackWolf said:7889 Hi Chazmore like just got online, i work from home and i've been sorting things out all morning.
You're finishing this year? Congrats. Hope you haven't forgotten to rent the flat-cap and robe for the day.BlackWolf said:7890 That sucks Chaz, but these things happen my parents will be going through the same thing when it comes to my graduation since my uni have stated they won't be giving out details about it till late sept (i have a very late graduation)
7894 - http://www.up1.co.uk/Details/F0858Foxstripe said:7891
Guys I need your help.
Would you all know where I can but just the collection boxsets box's only. For example I have Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu Vol's 1-4 but as I bought them idividually I dont have a box. Can you buy the box's seperatly from somewhere?
7898 - I'm getting to grips with this mass-convo posting, aren't I? lolBlackWolf said:7896 @Chaz thanksyeah well i got my degree results back in july
but i haven't forgotten about hiring those stuff, i've just been putting it off. I ways doing a Computer Studies course which really just let me pick and choose what i wanted to study (as long as computers were involved) so i ended up doing a hybrid of Games Design and Games Programming.
What uni are you at Chaz?
@Fox sorry i can't think of anywhere off the top of my head
EDIT: NevermindChaz got there first
7900 - LMAO! Hey, no probs. I should be doing some sktechbook work, but too busy posting all over the forums... Strangely addictive.Foxstripe said:7899 - Sorry guys im not gonna be able to post for a very long while now, Work have just dumped a pile of work on my desk with a note on top saying "KO" spoken in true Street Fighter fashion.