:lol: okay shrooms will be kicked from the list.
Chavs are pricks. lastnight two of them where walking near me and sam and did their pathetic routine "you lookin at me? you lookin at me? want a fight? come den i'll bus you up yer"
To which i like to wind them up and said "you'll bus us up? we've just walked into town, we don't need a bus thanks, but as for a fight, are you sure you could hold yourself? your alittle on the small side" which p!ssed one of them off and he started walking towards us trying to act menacing *putting his hood up and hunching his shoulders as he bowled over to us, swinging one arm whilst the other remained down his tracksuit bottoms* couldn't help but laugh and ask him if he was holding himself to make sure it hadn't fallen off :lol:
me and sam just walked off laughing. he must of been about 14 :lol:
you should defo check out superbad, its a excellent movie!
Edit: Mornin Chaz, yeah she was really beautiful and had a really great personality, we talked for about an hour before we exchanged numbers but i'll definatley give her a call in a while

Hero quest? thought that was a ps2 game?