Count to a Million

16,841 - would you guys be happy if post counts were disabled for the games forums? I can think of only a handful of persons who would mind about post counts (and they wanna get rid of this thread).

Maybe i don't know enough about programming...but to disable posts from counting in a specific thread would be impossible. you'd either have to disable the post counts of the members specifically....or get rid of them all together throughout the forums.

As for me....i don't mind if you can do it.
im talking to Rui at the moment to try and find a way forward.
getting rid of the post counts might not be the way proven by your previous thread poll.
Oh hai.

You can disable them from this forum software *per forum category* with a plugin, I believe. So we'd simply have to disable the entire Forum games section from counting towards the totals.

R (back to lurking, nothing to see here)

SHE MISSED A POST!!! *pulls out spears and runs towards shadows* ;)

Oh've got me there lol like i said "i don't know enough about programming" lol i can only use dreamweaver.
Well, I'm not entirely sure but we'll figure it out somehow if it has to be done. Chaos is the smart one, I just type a lot.


Hmmm....could i be a mod please? just within the forum games.
i'd like to spend time decluttering the forum....there's a load of dead weight in this forum and i have the sensibility and time to sort it if permitted.
Don't listen to Tachi!
He'll poisen your ears! :eek:

*ahem* Back from lunch now and work is as busy as ever so will probably disapear again. What's going down? ^^

EDIT/ Hi mono! *waves*
16,848 - If I'm the smart one the world is doomed.

Yes, Tachi it's possible. And no Rui, this is not that easy =(
The site is still using Paul's hosting and resources, I might simply create a new server and have things setup properly. Considering I have weekends to work on it, This could take up to a month to get done.
Disabling the post count for this thread wouldn't bother me. I like the post counts and the rankings, it's fun, but it's not the reason I post in here by any means :)

and hi Mono :)

EDIT/ I could understand all this annoyance about "unfairly high post counts" and "spamming" if there was, like, a weekly prize for most posts, and these "spammers" were taking the prizes away from everyone else, but there's not, post counts are only a bit of fun, so why act as if it's life and death? Live and let live I say ^_^
Hmm... why is this thread getting a roasting in the feedback forum? From what I can tell there's no real reason except for mybe because of post counts?
Yeah, I've just edited my last post after looking in the feedback forum again. I don't understand the problem myself, I can't see what harm we are causing anyone...
Exactly :D Why, if we were to start a new thread everytime we started a new topic of conversation, that's when the forum would be overloaded with spam! Even when we are talking about anime(which I think is fairly often) the discussion rarely lasts long enough to warrant a whole new thread in the anime section. So I can't think of an easy way to solve the problem.
Rui's idea of a "Clubhouse" is good, but I do wonder if we would just end up as still the only ones that use it, in which case we may as well continue to chat here. I don't think it's a case of people not knowing we're here (the response on the feedback thread shows that loads of the forum users know we're here!), I think it's more a case of most people not wanting this particular type of interaction - some just want to discuss anime within the confines of a set topic, not one that trails off and goes on tangents which include talking about work and home life and so on.
Probably I should be posting this in the feedback section myself, but I don't wish to ignite the ire of other forum users annd get myself in trouble...

you might want to take a seek peek black. i've had a word with Rui and Chaos. i think their going to make a change to this forum so that posts don't count.

and Aions clever little retorts are funny to read.
Afternoon Blackwolf :)
I watched the first two episodes of Tsukihime last night - it's really good! I can't wait to get a bit further into the story and find out more about the characters (who and indeed what they are), and what are these "lines" that Shiki sees...