Count to a Million

Sweet. I love boss battles. Not far off one in Zelda myself. The Ice Mansion has definately been one of the more fustrating levels so far. *sigh*
Snow Boarding at the start was cool and now I have a ball and chain so I suppose I can't really complain.... Zelda games are always so long... you get plenty for the money like. I paid £15 for it too.

I only just collecting the first mirror shard... I foresee plenty more gaming hours ahead.
*edit* damn you mono :p
Hope your alright hun?

afters all. everyone alright?
Thankyou for the goodmorning Titan, sorry i wasn't about to return the sentiment. sadly work caught me up alittle bit :lol:

Hopefully the passing hours will hurry up and be gone before i know it :)

Good to see your enjoying the forums Titan, as Voddas has said, we tend to have some rather....strangely funny convo's in this thread :)

Who you talking to Voddas??
not me! i haven't had a reply since the jerry springer email!
*cocks shotgun* so?


*edit* ahh...the reply...from the bearded stron man :p

:lol: There's your email Tachi. :p

Was just talking to Aion and Fabric but mostly been caught up by work as my you are now aware of. Heh.

Afternoon Mono :)

Afternoon all. Sorry I've not been on much in the last couple of days, might not be on much for the next few days either. Looking into the possibility of starting a business... :p

Starting a Business? I will have to hear more, but for now it's time for home. Will catch you on tomorrow maybe.

Cioa to anyone online! :D



im fine mono (hope you see this...and im not starting the ramblings of a maniac! :eek: )

work just caught up on me..but a good few hits knocked it back into line ^_^

a business eh ayase?
do tell :p

and also....does this mean you won't be on msn or psn? :(

im off home in 10...need to find my elusive wallet so i can go for a lads night out :p it decided to get up and walked off at somepoint during the know your unloved when that happens :/ :lol:

awell...5 mins to go...yes my essay has dragged....dragged like a fat man in panto.....dragged like brian blessed.....bless his soul.

so...this business?? do tell