Count to a Million

Hello and Guten Morgan to you all.
I only have one and a half days of work left untill a nice three and a half day break. Tis not much but man I'm looking fwd to it. ^___^
Guten Morgan Herr Voddas,
Wie Heisst du? Das wetter Ist Cald und windig! Und meine arbeite is sehe langweilig -_- the real worl lol.

was playing NFS undercover lastnight....i have to say..its brilliant.
Its fundamentally the same handling as underground...which i loved. although pro street was abit different it reminded me of gran turismo abit too much...with all the speeding up to slow down to 10mph to turn a corner.

i went through so many races lastnight before remembering my handbreak turns :p as soon as that happend my stylish turns came to play....i love giant U turns on motorways....sliding sideways the whole way :p
also the first few races i recieved a pink slip...could of picked a ford mustang...but went for a equally as muscly chevy. so far its won me enough races :D

Your missing something from your last post Tachi the Supreme. :p

Don't play much in the way of racing games myself like. Not since Motostorm (I loved that game). I have GRID aswell but got bored very very quickly. NFS is different of course. You get the nitro and the blurred vission and all that, it's cool enough. I'd play the first game for that tho. That was the best for me like.

Must admit tho, I do like slow down crashes :p Only problem with that is the temptation to drive into things on purpose. Heh!

Morning Titan and Black! Maybe your Dr is a vampire Black... only one of those on the sly doesn't like killing people kinda vampires? Just a thought.

Hows Titan today?

@Black :eek: I need a new Dr then. *gag reflexes*

@Titan I'm not so bad mate. Just working (on the net) and getting on with it at the moment. How are you finding AUKN... besides the odd argument and flame attacks.
Actually, that's true. Just haven't got fully used to the peace on the forum yet. :p

Since the new Mods were appointed infact. Well chosen obviously :)
I totaly agree Black.

@Titan: Glad your enjoying it so far. You should come on this thread more often. We've had some real crazy converstaions on the go in the past. Hope fully more to come too.

Right-o Boys! I'm off for lunch now but will return. Hold the fort!

*grabs his bait box and flips out the window*
I'm back and full thank you very much. :p

Speaking of bait... I finaly got passed the bit on Zelda I was stuck on. Took we litraly a week to move past the bit I was stuck on (finding my way threw the snow storm).