Count to a Million

15,041 - keep me posted. I think, I'll get the license anyway, as I have a friend interested in developing for the iphone as well. Worse case scenario, I've ended up with more than I actually need, but even though it's expensive, I won't have to to in a hunger strike to buy it.
15042 Will do Chaos :thumb: How much is the lisence anyway? That's one of the things that's so tempting about XNA so far, its free and i don't need a licsense to sell the things i make its just sticking the games on xbox live that the fees start to add up it costs a fair few grand just to region check the games :eek:

Otaku@ you draw?
15,043 - 250 USD. you pay a fee based on your profit (free apps won't pay a thing), they will test your app and decide to keep it listed or not, only thing I know it's forbidden is to try and access the personal info of the user (ie. contacts, email,etc)


ermm yeah of course i draw see

15051 i've already seen those vids :p (when they were first posted) Nice drawings there Otaku :thumb:

@Chaos i will defintily give it some thought and i'll talk to my designer friend as well about it, and thanks for the link to that blog :)

2am on the dot....time to head off i think.

damn, i missed the 1000 marker. awwell.....i'll wait for the next one :p

hope alls well...and xmas went according to plan for all....i'm sorry i'm not on here during the seems that the I.T department once again strive to block all fun....well....hours into that "updated blocking system" i fould a major flaw...and thus....they've stopped access to this site....but not to others :twisted:
just to update...i had a brilliant mostly clothes, money and deoderant...basic going out gear really.
bought my girlfriend a few things....bracelet nd ring both white know....the sort of stuff guys buy their loved ones at the one time of the year that prices either inflate...or have "20% off"

wait till the next years presents....donut makers for everyone.they'll never see it coming
....and the new year is upon us....people are saying "happy new year" already...nobodies told them their meant to say that at the time.....or after the event *facepalms*

anyway.....down the pub's and clubs most nights so i'll see you guys when i see you...well....unless you hit me up on MAL....which i'm filling out and realising....its another facebook/bebo/ thing i have to manage.....*sigh* awwell

till then....adieu

Ps. im sick of working in an office....i'm either going to quit and work in the I.T sector and bypass the restrictions from within the geeks building.....or quit and apply to work at chicago's or liquid and i think the night work will be better....i can spend my days with those who i've not been able to see as much as i'd like.

Tachi- said:
the sort of stuff guys buy their loved ones at the one time of the year that prices either inflate...or have "20% off"
or price inflates 40% then they add a 20% off tag to them =)

Tachi- said:
Ps. im sick of working in an office....i'm either going to quit and work in the I.T sector and bypass the restrictions from within the geeks building.....or quit and apply to work at chicago's or liquid and i think the night work will be better....i can spend my days with those who i've not been able to see as much as i'd like.
Me too, but it's a terrible time to think about changing jobs, unless you already have something for certain. IT departments in banks are laying off too many people, some friends who got redundant are having a hard time to find something =(

panda z said:
Morning - anyone around today? :)
I'm here momentarily. =)