Count to a Million



Hope everyone had a good Xmas. I'm back at work but kinda glad I don't have to eat my own body weight in food today. Plus, my liver is ready for a rest. ^^

Only me and one other in the office today so it's very quiet. Very boring too. Only in today like, then off again till the 2nd.... WHY THE 2ND? OMG ¬_¬
15016 - Those lazy ba*****s! Lmao.
Hi Otaku/Voddas! I've been busy at work over X-mas, but I'm finally going back to normal hours. Now I can relax and get my coursework out the way without any tension.

How's everyone else holding up?

Morning Chaz and Otaku! :thumb:

Not been working the last 5 days but back to normal now. (Well, as normal as it gets). Day is dragging and looking fwrd to my first break at 10.50. ^^
15019 - O-ta-ku... *Shakes head in disappointment* Well, you got there in the end at least, mate. :)

Just got a phone call, and I can hget my new spare key soon!!! \o/ Just gotta make the appointment and then head off. Sooner the better.

Either of you get anything special for Xmas? I got mostlt money... which is awesome. I bought my Brother Little Big Planet for his PS3 and I've totaly been hogging it. That game is sheer geniouse! XD

Most fun I have in a two player game too. I can smack my Brother upside the head and then do a little dance. *tears of joy role down his cheek*
15021 - Well I posted my stuff in the Xmas gift thread, so you can go see that for my pressies. My fav is the Disturbed Album.

And you're not supposed to hog other's presents! I nab at my bro's games but not before I ask him if I can play it. :p