Count to a Million

14861 lol aww i was under the asumption that if everything had gone as planned PenPen would of been revealed to be a pilot of a hidden EVA unit, and it would of been him who stopped SEELE and saved Shinji thus earning his own spin off show :p
14863 i have my ways :wink:

though i think PenPen's spin off will blow people's minds, its been described as a electic mix of Ghost in the Shell, an epic revenge storyline, giant robots and intrigue galore.

It's going to be pure CGI too...

I'd best get going. I have to learn my lines for the final scene where the male characters reveal they're going to marry the Rei clones in a mass wedding at the end.

See ya Black. ;)
14865 C'ya later Ayase :p don't forget to send a post card but please don't send an MP-EVA to deliever it...they only end up eating it...and they try to eat me, took a whole week last time to get rid of it :lol:

*Stretches* Work has gone nice and quiet now... *touches wood*

Last week was HELL!!!

Hope everyones doing ok and their all sorted for Xmas. :p