Count to a Million

Tachi- said:
i even had to que to get OUT of macdonalds...
Sounds about right IMO :lol:

I went to collect a parcel from the central post office the other day. The opening hours were 7-12, I got there at 10 and there was a queue streting down to the end of the street. "Sod this" I thought and went home and arranged for it to be redelivered. Waiting an extra two days at home is nothing compared to two hours stood in a queue...

@Voddas - We demand a new cat story! :p
14739 while i know a game's shelf life at full price is short (the fact that a 2nd hand game is suddenly worth much less a day after purchase is proof of that) its just a bit weird though i can only assume the publisher okay the move to reduce the price (its their money its eating afterall) :p And just remember about the old people rant day you'll be just like that (unless we enter the Ghost in the Shell type world and you can be a 80 yr man in a 30 yr old body) :lol:

EDIT: I'm with Ayase! we want a cat story!

:lol: Well I can try, but I have a lot more responsibilties at work now. We'll see how we go. Heh.

Just been looking threw the old one lol. Not showing in the thread now like, thanks to photo bucket going bad. Got them saved on my computer still thoug. Didn't realise I did that many. God knows where the story was going.

Nice Tachi :thumb:

God I hate my job. Just had someone on the phone threatening to commit suicide!!! She was crying and everything. Told her what she needed to do but she was talking like she wanted me to wave a magic wand or something and fix it all? Have notified head office about it... that was a nasty call.

Had to go for a cigarette soon as I put the phone down :eek:
14745 Yikes :eek: my friend had a similar sort of call once (he works for the service that deals with bankrupcy) This guy threatened that he was going to beat him up if he didn't sort out his money for him

Scary Voddas... I've dealt with people like that (on a personal rather than business basis) before... part of me just wants to tell them "I don't want your problems dumped onto me, I have enough of my own!" But you can't do that to people in that state... and as such, yeah, it shakes you up.

Nice to see someone else who appreciates the Moomins 'round here Tach. ;)

Well it just made it's way to worst call of the week anyway. :(

OK GUYS!!! Time for me to shoot off. Gotta go get ready for my Works Doo. I need a drink baad too. Heh.

Have a great weekend!

Cioa for NOw :D

Enjoy it Voddas! :D

I'll get going too I think. Got a fair bit done today (various writings, drawing - I will show them off at some point). Now I just wanna sit down in front of the TV and watch some Nadesico.

See ya later guys. Enjoy your weeked. :)