Count to a Million


I like the bottom to the best too Black :p Also, lunch sounds like a good idea Panda. Enjoy your lunch.

I'm off for grub too now so I'l be on later.

Ciao for now. :)
14721 well to be fair i wanted my lead to have normal spiky hero hair :p and this is the same male character as i've been drawing for a while i just keep tweaking his design, trying to make it easier to draw from different angles :) And there's only two seperate characters on that sheet :p

It's the same thing with the other drawings i did last week, except i think i manged to get her design to a point where i'm happy with it.

good drawings Voddas :p even if they are with a mouse :lol:

EDIT: Thanks guys :) I actually like the one with the hat the most, but like always i had fun drawing the evil version at the bottom :lol:


im beat.
and i've hardly excelled today either, taken afew calls...which they asked for someone in the far their asking for the two people who aren't in the office today...i have a suspiscion somebody to my left hasn't undiverted their fone grrr
it's alright, when she goes off to lunch i'll undivert it.
just spent the last hours just reading up about the new spyro game. it looks really good so for £20 in Game i think thats worth it :thumb:
not that i don't have enough games to keep me busy...but i'm getting through them too quick.

Voddas i'm on the level in berlin where you have to capture the capital building...artillery are firing everywhere i look and im russian. how far off the end am i?
14723 Afternoon Tach :p

Voddas i think i can understand that Yu-Gi-Oh comment better now, i didn't realise it at the time but the drawing in the top left hand corner actually looks quite similar a pose to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Millenium World vol 1 manga cover :lol:

I'm Back! *strikes a pose*

@Black: It's the hair more than anything that reminded me like. I doo like the pose in the hat too. Makes him look like a loner. =)

@Tachi: Your not far from the end now mate. Think you have one, maybe two levels left. The artilary is mental like lol. What's been your favourite level so far?

Chibi are fun and usually quite funny to draw :lol:

HAven't done too many myself coz they never end up looking like the char I was trying to depict. So they end up looking crazy heh. You'll have to get them posted on here when you do them too Black.

Cool, always nice to know im nearer to the zombie mode :p
well...that's a tough one....the snipers level on cod4 was my favourite by far...but the sniper level on cod5 wasn't anything special. the sniper you have to fight on the second floor of a hotel was too easy. the sniper guarding that general was abit more of a challenge but not as fun as cod4 :p

i liked the tanks level....took "firestarter" to a whole new level on the flamethrower level too :p

what was your favourite level??

right, im off for lunch

Enjoy Lunch Tachi!
I'd have to say the same. COD4 had a far superior single player game to COD5. My Favourite mission on WAW is probably... the one your on now. Russians taking over Berlin. Sad thing I find about WAW is that every level is - run here shoot a load of guys, run a little further and repeat. There wasn't enough variety unlike COD5. Fun little game mind.

@Black: No rush mate, take your time and we'll see them when your done.

Afternoon. Pics looking good there Black! :thumb:

Have you ever tried computer colouring any of your drawings? (If you have a scanner, that is) With the designs not being too detail heavy it shouldn't be too hard to do. I like the style you do them in, I just wondered if you'd tried it.
14732 well i haven't tried it to be honest, i mean i keep two copies of all my drawings nowadays (the ones that aren't in the sketchbooks of course :p) one is the oringal black and white ink drawing and the second a photocopy that i have coloured in hand.

It's something i really should try like but i'm not sure about how to do it, last time i tried doing somethink graphical (back in college) i had to destoy it as it was an eyesore and a sin against mankind :p :lol: okay it wasn't that bad but i didn't score too highly in that module

oh and Afternoon Ayase

Well mate, back in earlier posts in this thread I did a mini story line using this cat. It was around the 200-300 count mark. That was one of the last ones I did, just changed the number. :p

Memories... *starts daydreaming*

Back, right i'm abit miffed.

i've put off buying the new spyro game all £19.99 in game...go in today and what?? its back at RRP. *sigh*

Go into gamestation and its £14.99....yet there's a massive que...i mean i hate it when christmas rolls round because everyone comes into town....old people....old people are the friggin worst! i'm walking through town and this old "dear" stops bang infront of me......asks me if im in a que and when i say "no your walking through town" she said "oh yes" then stared at me for what felt like ages...but was only about a minute i guess...i got annoyed and walked round her thinking "crazy fool"
we should teach them to use computers. then they can shop online and leave me the hell alone. lock them up. don't need old people out and about anyway, its depressing. que's to everything!! i even had to que to get OUT of macdonalds....thats not due to the bad food...but rather you had to que to get in...go upstairs...get back out. was horrible...and that was the one place what had a small que

well i'm off to gamestation after work. £14.99 for a ps3 game sounds alright to me.
14735 normally a price like that indicates the quality of the game :p and i feel bad really for the developers when a game is put at offer that quickly, but then again i guess they knew they weren't going to get royalty checks anyway :lol:

it has nothing to do with the quality....the james bond films reduced.
saints row 2 is going for £20.
fallout 3 £20 in gamestation.
everywhere's being hit by the credit crunch and i'm lapping it all up to be honest lol

that was meant to be a comic sort of rant about old people too lol. i have an hour and a half to go and hopefully it'll fly...i mean 2.45 felt like 5 minutes ago :p

Welcome back Tachi :p

Just had a flick threw some of our past pages and my eyes are bleeding!! We've talked about some random crap in this thread. :lol:

Using moths as currency and opening an Overfiend Shop :lol: Classics.