Count to a Million


*Moonwalks into the room, spins on the spot then grabs his crotch with one hand while the other points to the sky*


*ahem* Morning everyone. :D

Woop! TFI Friday.

EDIT/ Oh, I'm good by the way Panda ^^ Hope you are too.

Mornin Fox, Panda and Voddas

fox, yeah i actually own S3 and enjoyed it. S2 was good for the start of the chunin exam and seems to be a block series purely made to change the childish mannerisms to a more serious one. and S3 carries on from that...with more fights, it ends on a major cliff hanger which is why i'm itching to buy S4 but without dipping too fr into my bank account :p

hows everyone?

Morning Tachi and yeah, I'm fine today mate. Quite hungry actually. Mite have to grab a snack when I go for my morning break.

Anyone here watched Berserk?
I'm fine thanks Voddas, Tachi. Trying to keep in the christmas-y spirit despite all the efforts of my crazy in-laws to ruin it :D
It's my work's night out tonight, so I'm gettin all excited about that. It seems like ages since I've been for a good night out and I really need to release some tension this weekend :D

I've not seen Berserk, is it any good?

ahh good good,
Im fine mate ^_^
won't be seeing Laura tonight which is abit of a bummer but i'll spend the next two weeks with her anyways.

just eaten a creamy donut thing...loved it lol

have seen afew clips of beserk but haven't got round to watching it yet, looks alright.
tbh i haven't been able to get myself away from tomb raider, naruto storm, LBP or World at war....with my eyes on spyro on the ps3, resistance 2, farcry 2 and fallout 3....altho fallout 3 keeps dying on me alittle bit each day...i'm not even sure if i actually want it now.

Berserk is a great anime. A lot of Fighting and gore mind but the story really sucks you in. I loved every episode. Going to start the manga coz it left me wanting more. Good one to watch if you fancy some Mideval, fantasy action like.

Just had an Elevenzie to put me on till lunch. Never had one before and now I know not to get one again. Like a small fruit cake... I don't like fruit cake. ¬_¬

@Panda: My work doo tonight also. Starting off with a meal and then probably drinking till the early hours. Dunno if I'm in the mood mind but then again, I always have a good night when I'm out with ma team. ^__^
heheh sorry to have gone a bit quiet again, i have been trying to teach myself cats cradle so my hands have been all tied up with bits of string.

yes i really am that bored, that is the best thing i can find to do :D

morning blackwolf :)

Working hard then Panda :lol:

It's quieter at work than I was expecting today like. Been ages since I've had so much free time at my desk.... pobably jinxed myself saying that now... o_O

@Black: Sweet! Nice drawings... character design seems familiar.. kind of Yu-gi-oh! like. Everytime you post a drawing it makes me want to draw Black. If only I had more time T_T I'll show you some new pictures at some point like.

@Panda: Too true, too true. Especially when you know you'll be partying hard tonight too. :p

I love drawing, infact HERE are a few of mine that I did using a mouse on my computer. Using a pencil is WAY easier tho.

EDIT/ Also, Black, I didn't mean that Yu-gi-oh comment in any bad way mind. Just read it back and it sounded bad for some reason... maybe because I wasn't a fan of the series lol.
Those drawing are cool Black, I especially like the bottom two!
Yours too Voddas. I have no art skills whatsoever so I'm really impressed by what you've done there :)

I am starving, so I'm off to lunch, see you guys later :D