Count to a Million




something like*b* I'm hoping problems will be sorted soon.

I other news though i'm now eagerly awaiting my parents xmas/bday to me. Won it off ebay this past weekend. The Complete Preimum King of Braves GaoGaiGar collection all for £20 with free p&p :D and its the legal R1 set and some some shoddy bootleg :D

well until i can find S4 of naruto and im a celeb is not over, i'm sticking to playing through the games i've bought recently.
keep glancing at appleseed ex machina...bleach at £16 and falling. and afew ghibli films which come to think of it i'd like afew ghibli films for christmas, sat in the living room watching porco rosso on christmas day sounds relaxing.

Be back in a bit lads. Off to lunch :p


*climbs over tumble weeds that have piled near the door*

Nobody will get me anime for my Birthday or Christmass coz they think I watch too much as it is. TT_TT
I don't watch as much as I used to like but come---on---- :evil:
14442 sorry to hear that :p I just saw the set on ebay and i was like "I was going to pay £40 for that off amazon :eek: "and i asked for it :p probably the first and only time i'll get anime though for a present. Getting manga as gifts is easier it seems

Whoops looks like we completely derailed that game topic eh tach :lol:

I've asked for anime but they reckon I'd prefer something else. But what do I know.... the presents are only for ME! *sigh*
This thread doesn't seem the same since my return from my week off... anything happen? Or is it just people getting busy with the run up to christmas do we think.
14444 well Panda's place is cracking down on internet usage apparently. Fox comes and goes as he pleases. Tachi has gone for lunch i would guess. Ayase is also strangely absent...

Hmm... I see. Ah well. I'm always going to be about when work allows it. Shame Panda's getting the hammer at work. Think I'd have to quit if I didn't have the net to keep me sane!
Of course Mono is still about like.

This thread may have got quiter but I must admit AUKN as a whole seems to have got bussier. Which is cool. ^__^

The new Mods must be kicking **** :lol:

EDIT/ What's "The Third: Girl with the Blue Eyes " about then?
14447 actually it was an educated guess more then anything :p after all you stopped replying in that gaming thread and given the time, there was only two logical answers one) you had admitted defeat and left with your tail between your legs or two) you broke for lunch :p knowing you 2) was the best choice.

@Voddas, i saw the first ep of it last year when IGN streamed it for free. It's about this girl who's pretty handy with a sword and likes to recite poetry, in a world that's either not earth or post apoclaytic. She takes dangerous jobs for money like clearing out ruins of monsters with her tank and a.i. companion boogey. At the end of the first ep she is introudced to a strange and mysterious young man (take that cliche score one for role reversal). There's also a ruling class in this world that live in skyborne cities and all of them have a third eye in the middle of their heads.

and that's all i know really, the op and ed were nice and the first ep intrigued me

Sounds intresting. Will have to have a read up on that me thinks and add it to my ever growing "plan to watch list".

bghbguovlbf;p nhjhhrugh;phgpk ga;/..........c]../d]c.

????? Huh, everyones systems just went crazy.... hope this means a break XD

Everything seems to be fine now. That was strange? Some random bug just appeared and then went again. Damn! Guess there's break for me.

OMGF! I just had a right bitch on the phone. She was talking to me like I was some sort on minion!! I hate being talked down to and if half our calls weren't recorded I swear I was so close to verbaly bitch slapping her!!!

*fume!* :evil:

Afternoon guys... I've been enjoying a bit of fresh air today for a change. ;)

Town is hell now with Christmas shoppers... honestly, don't they know how to use the internet yet? Currently relaxing with a cup of coffee and listening to some Dio era Rainbow (the only good Rainbow).

Hey Mono :)