Count to a Million


Hey, the gang's all here... just about. The old gang anyway. Afternoon. ;)

I watched Bulletproof Monk too last night Tach... wasn't that impressed, but then it did the job, I just wanted something mindless to watch.
Yeah, loving Fringe at the moment, never watched Bones. Not because I didn't fancy it, just coz it was another thing to watch and I'm stocked up on things to watch at the moment.

II also agree on the HEroes comment there Black. It is really lettting me down.... and it looked like it was going to shape up so nicely too. ¬_¬

I'm not following any TV shows at the moment (partly due to anime backlog) but the last two Sundays I've given myself eye-strain from too much BBC 2. Wild China, Long Way Down, Top Gear, Louis Theroux... all in a four hour block. Sometimes wish I had Sky+...

Sorry Tach, usually whern im on MSN im playing my xbox so im either playing on LIVE or in the middle of Oblivion or something so its hard to talk, and I come and go because my girlfriend wants to use the tv programs?...*shrugs shoulders*

So whats happened in heroes then, I always thought it was tosh lol

Yep that sounds about right, just wanted to watch mindless tv and not pay attention to much. well i've foned Laura and she hasn't gon into work today as she's got a Virus....i thought it was a throat infection but it turns out i was wrong (minus points for the guy who works for the NHS and has completed diagnosis training 2 weeks ago) *facepalms*
so long story short if she doesn't go into work tomorrow she loses her fuming about it. she's not well so isn't fuming...yet.
14410 it had a strong start just that things quickly went downhill, people were having moodswings like they were pregant, part of the backstory was changed (without Hiro interfeing with the timeline) There was some amusing parts (Hiro with the guy who can paint the future...Not issac...That was a funny part) I'll try to get back into it once its changes into Fugitives but things don't look very good
Hiro is still my favourite (even if he does think he's 12 at the moment). Yeah, I'm only watching Heroes now coz I started watching it in the first place. Kinda like LOST. I only watch that coz I have to know what heppens in the end. Otherwise I could quite easily walk away from it. Fringe on the other hand keeps me entertained. It totaly a modern X-Files.
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Hey Mono

Sorry everyone but this is where i must confess...i watched the first series of heroes...and haven't bothered to keep a steady loyalty to it. there's a few shows i just don't get or don't find funny....first of all...if its not Friends - i won't enjoy it. and if its family guy or american dad...and i just won't get it. but give me simpsons and futurama and i'll laugh at some bits. and just enjoy watching the rest.

i used to enjoy desperate housewifes.....then after series 2 i couldn't be bothered......something about channel 4 not playing it as much as they first did...
14416 I'm good thanks :) Getting ready to head out though soon

@Tach we are also talking about Fringe as well..and Futurama > Simpsons that's all i'm saying about that. Actually Futurama > Family Guy > Simpsons

death by shnushnu!!!!! what a way to go lol

but still.....i should send my private sackarmy to attack you for that insolence black

futurama>simpsons>crap>horrible crap thats been melting in the sun> crap that someones smeared against someones face>a kick in the teeth>being mauled to death by a bear>family gay and american prat