Wooo people are here atlast.
Well, on friday night i spent it drink in whilst talkin to laura all night and calling round loads of places to get somewhere booked for my birthday. in the end dad said "why not just have a house party with about 40 mates?" so thats the plan :thumb: spoke to a DnB Dj i know and him giving me a deduction for bein a mate was still £300 for afew hours. 3 dj's and equipment. lasers and the lot. abit too much tbh lol, so im wonderin if jenni's dad will do it for cheaper. (he's also a Dj, but not to the standard Dj Spidee is)
then saturday i tidied up the house and then sat listening to MTV Dance then dowloading any songs i liked.
then yesterday i woke up early and went into town. walking from one side of the town centre to the other to catch a bus i was soaked. went to stevenage, met up with laura. went to macd's and then saw our bus so dashed out, binning half our stuff. on the bus back to luton a old woman started talking to laura and im sat there muffling my laughter. got back and i'd dried up abit...hair looked terrible. so we went clothes shoppin, she dragged me round loads of stores...i walked into one store and saw a hoody, withing 5 mins i'd bought it then was joking about time that it takes women to buy something. went to the toilets and switched hoodies so i wasn't drenched. then we went to costa and had large hot chocolates and talked about the weddin in 2012. then walked around abit more, was stood link armed (i had my hand in my pocket, she had her hand round my arm) outside thomas cook lookin at holidays for a while. more clothes shops....and HMV, walked upto my office just to show her where it is lol (she wanted to know)
then we walked around talkin some more (either link armed or hand in hand lol). occasionally stopping for a quick make out.
then about 5ish we walked back to the bus station and stood talkin, kissin, and stickin COLD hands up tops. then her bus came and we had to say bye for now. and text her all lastnight

so Im in a perfect mood.
my laptop tried to break the day by refusing to play any disks. but i'll fix that sod abit later.
So spill, whats wrong? boiler?
Edit:: damn! now that sucks mate

and ofcorse....the missus will blame you for her losing her keys ¬_¬