Count to a Million


Wow. skimming through HD F91 and it is goood... :eek: look at the signs! (bearing in mind it's also been compressed by photobucket)

vs Bandai USA's crappy DVD:

I know some can't see them, but I would have had to shrink them loads to attach.
10781 looks nice, a lot cleaner, still can't tell that much of a difference mind but i think to see the true difference you would have to have HD monitors etc...or would you...

for 720p (which F91 is) you need a monitor that is at least 1280x720, so it's not that demanding. For 1080p you need 1920×1080. That's *is* too much for my monitor though...

See ya Tach. Hope you get that DJ sorted.

See ya Fox. Have a good one.

Lucky you Black :p Filesizes for 1080p are pretty massive though. You're talking 8gig for a film.
10788 sheesh well i guess that's to be expected really with all the information, i'll just stick to what i've got now then, and hold off on a blu-ray player untill region locking as been abolished :p (or Zone of the Enders 3 comes out which ever first really)

*shuffles into office and fires up the aircon of "heatwave" setting*

Tis abit nippy out there :eek:

*thinks to self*
Can't wait for everyone to come in, had such a brill weekend, can't wait to tell em.

Erm....seems nobodies coming in today.....greeaaat ¬_¬
i'll just wait till black comes on at 11-12

*doors are thrown open*

*a shodowy figure appears*

Hay HO!! Morning Tachi. Sooo, yu've had an awesome weekend ay? Wish I could say the same. Sadly mine went all pear shaped. I'll let you continue with your wjend of happiness before I tell you about it however.

*looks at watch*

I'm not that late Tach... well for a Monday morning anyway. :D
10794 *in the midst of the burning GaoFighGar wreckage a low rumble is heard, a large clawed mecha hand brusts through the rubble*

*With a loud roar and a shinning light Genesic GaoGaiGar stands proud, the head of its deceased enemy in its other hand*

*Jumps from GGGG's head*

Morning all :)
10796 i'm good, i've had a fun weekend, got hooked back on smash bros melee, got a lot of writting done and i managed to watch more of GGG FINAL :) You?

Tach is probably shocked that i'm on a whole half hour early :p

Hey Hey! Morning Fox.

My weekend was baad. Boiler couldn't get fixed and is costing a hella lot more than I was hoping. Plus my misses got VERY drunk on Saturday night so I had to go bring her home and during the stumbling, she lost her keys. Keys being home font and back door keys, mums keys, dads keys, nans keys and worst of all Car Keys. We looked evrywhere and retraced her steps but to no avail. Police have also been informed.

She's having to use my car today for work so now I'm carless... I hate not having a car too TT_TT

I have to take a half day off on Wednesday again to get boiler finished... Wot a pain in the arse!!

Back in 10... going for a brew...