I've been wondering how to do this for a while. but i've finaly worked it out.
my mission is to travel to the promised land and eat the wonderful food and drink sake till i pass out.
yes, i've spoken to the lads and were off to japan in 2 years time ^^
and my side quest is...im gunna try and cosplay as nero for london expo. its going to be my first cosplay so i'm wondering how to do things. right now i need to fine a nice wood to make the red queen. i was just about to go to B&Q until you grabbed me Voddas lol
Oh wait it gets better!
I just recieved a PM from another member.
it appears i might be getting my rebelion replica afterall.
then i can take cool pics with the full weapon set for bero.
(who's stolen dante's sword lol)
Nope, we know the law only restricts katana and other oriental swords. well as rebellion is a western styled sword and its actual blade length is 47 cm rather than the 50cm which is the limit, it bypasses the law
I too would like to know how you'd get a hold of a sword Tach. Or you doing it privately (black market style)?
*notices several google bots appear on thread*
8687 intresting...which is a bit weird i thought the blade on rebellion would be a lot bigger since you know, its almost the size of dante (i just checked you must of got the measurements wrong as 47cm is way too small for rebellion )
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