Wish I'd done that Mono, should have done Media at A Level but guess I was happy to get out after only two years... (had a well paid job at the time). Still came out with 3 A-levels and 2 AS-levels like.
Cheers peops, they were quite easy subjects like. Sometimes wish I'd continued with education but then I wouldn't have had my own house at the age of 19. Win some and loose some.
Hah, parades *looks at Black and chuckles to self*
I think you'll love it. Just don't trip over and cause some kind of domino chain reaction or something. ^___^
8657 Tach if you're invisible then i'm the king of england
@Voddas you know its not so much the parade that's bothering me, just the fact that it's novemember, which means i'll be freezing to death and possibly will get very wet
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