Count to a Million


*door blasts off hinges as smoke and fire enters the room in a raging blur*

*Tachi enters, fire burning in his eyes, music blaring in his ears fuelling the flames*

i HAD a good morning. my mother saw to that, sitting and bitching about everything. thats okay, i'll sit here listening to Mike Shinoda tearing up other people and stew over everything until i get home, then the chaos will start and i'll pay her back with interest.

Right, now to try tidy this place up before anyone comes in and sees it in this mess =/
*Roof suddenly caves in without warning creating debris and a mass cloud of dust*

*As the dust settles Voddas is seen eating a slice of toast and extending a two4one coffee out to Tach*

Morning Tachi, Sounds like you had a lovely morning. Miserable day outside, I hope my day isn't as busy as yesterday.
Misses wasn't exactly happy with me this morning coz I kept her up with snoring. :oops: I can't help it like. Looks like I'll be going to bed late tonight giving her some peace and quiet for a while.

Cheers mate, yeah it been one of those bloody annoying mornings.

*sits back in chair, sighs and takes a deep breath of fresh coffee*

Greatest smell in the world in the morning :)

Have you thought of using some of those breathing strips you put on your nose and it opens your airways, stopping snoring?

yeah the sky is grey, looks bloody 'oribble
Haven't used one of those strips yet. It supposed to clear your air ways but I doubt it'll work on me. Think my misses will be buying some today as a matter of fact, either that or she plans on smothering me. ¬_¬

Coffee is good isn't it ^_^ I love coffee, shame my work coffee tastes like cardboard. I still drink it too. I needs the cafine in work.

:lol: lets hope your not smothered to death and in the papers tomorrow.
Best coffee i've had has got to be at train stations. i remember my eventful weekend trips down to the south coast and on the return journey either falling asleep on the train home (bless the bedford to brighton line for the reassurance im not gunna go anywhere i can't get back home on the same train lol)

Funny you should say about kipping on trains. I was working away in Manchester when I got the last train back to Barrow, I fell asleep coz I knew Barrow was the end of the line and so they'll have made me get off. Several ours later and the train is black, not moving and not making any engine sound! Turns out they'd missed me and taken me to where the train goes of a night time (about 20 mins from Barrow). A Train driver gave me a lift back when he realised.
I cr*pped myself. Thought I'd awoke in some different crazy place. Guess my Sci-fi/fantasy head ran away with me.


Morning guys. I missed alot since I was gone I see :) Had yesterday off.

Also got tommorrow off too. Getting my tattoo done :). Tach sounds like you had an amazing weekend.

@ Voddas, snoring is easily fixed with a swift right cross to the be careful :p
Hey Fox :D

Thought you mite have been abducted or something. We were gonna call the police, honest. Hah. What you been up to over your long weekend then mate?

:lol: @ Voddas. trains have too many problems tho :/ the amount of replacement bus services because of train problems is crazy.

Your lucky to offallen asleep and that happen :p
My team leader (Alex) is the worst guy for trains. some weekends he adopts the roll of drunk hobo. goes into london, gets hammered, gets back on train...falls asleep...wakes up the following day when the service has started again :eek:
He left early yesterday to go to london....he's meant to be back in the office at about 2pm...but i doubt he'll be here.

Morning Fox, you where missed.
nice on hearing on the tat :thumb:
And am i right in thinking your getting a laptop today? or is that someone else :S

I missed you guys too *starts crying uncontrollably*

Yeah I was gonna get a laptop. Tried to buy a 50" LG TV yesterday on Finance but could'nt get the credit!! Even though my credit rating is amazing, my bank were as surprised as me. I think its because ive only been at my address to 5months.

Im just gonna have to buy it next weekend out right ar'nt I hahahahaha *sigh*

My long weekend was awesome thanks Voddas. Oh and Claymore is amazing, starting Vol.3 of the manga tonight, i cant put them down.

Damn :/
but atleast you had a great weekend and have started the conversion to otaku...

I sp'ose well have a appearance from Chaz in a few mins :p
oh black wont be on till abit later. has things to see to regarding his game.

Which brings me to THIS MORNINGS QUESTION!
me and black spoke lastnight when it occured to me... "who on the forum is which anime character?"

an example: you say which member, then what anime character their closest/remind you most of. and explain why :p


Mononoke reminds me of Hinata from Naruto because she's abit shy at times but has a really nice personality :)

Haha I can see Mononoke being Hinata. Good call.

Hmmm Thats a good question!! Im sure Black would want to be Shiki Tohno from Tsukihime, but I could be wrong lol

*bangs head repeatedly off desk*

Sorry guys, I'm having a bad one at work today. Work pouring out of my ears, so will be disappearing quite often.

@Fox: Glad your enjoying Claymore mate. I knew it wouldn't disapoint. It gets better too ^__^

Hmmm, anime character..... I'd need more time to think abut that Tach. My head is battered at the mo. Hinata for Mono was a definate good shout tho. :thumb:

Ohh dont tell me that, I cant wait to read more. Im not sure how many volumes are available in the UK.

Tachi, you could be Kurz Webber from FMP! Good looking, joker but has bad luck with the ladies through his own charm haha.

You also have the fire of Naruto Uzamaki aswell. Hmmmm Were gonna need more time to think of this haha.

Voddas strikes me as a wise character who's alwasy stressed out at what he does haha.........

Final Fusion Approved!


...bow before the King of Braves 8)

Morning all :p

Fox@ You think i'm like Shiki Tohno :p that's funny as i said you were a bit like his friend :lol: Though i'm more like Shiki's manga version then his anime counterpart

@Black Haha no way, I love his friend, specially when he covers for Shiki to his sister on the phone haha

Im get Hakafu Sensaku from Ikki Tousen Tattooed on my leg tommorrow, gonna rip her jumper up abit though :p I'll tajke a pic when its done and show you Thursday :p

Don't really have a problem with getting girls....its the bad luck that ruins me lol

and yeah i personally remind myself of naruto at times. but that can change ^^ black witnessed my serious side at my peak when in the middle of a problem. its not pretty,
lets just say. the last bout was the other week. and the guy really couldn't keep up in a battle of the minds.

I'd personally say im a crossover of:
Naruto and Near from DN
Could sum it up as Dante from DMC :lol:

Edward from M.A.R

no idea who id compare you to yet.

Or Black :/