Count to a Million


Cool :p

hmmmmm *racking brain*
black is a laid back, slighty serious, jokey sort of guy.
hmmm what character is that like??

Sasuke with a sense of humour :p
8729 :p

Just so you know the pic on the right is the guy with his Buso Renkin activated, which makes him one of the toughest guys around.

Sauske with a sense of humour :lol: How about Shikamaru though :p

*Peals face off desk*

Yo Black. Glad to see you could make it *forces tears back*

Well, my days going from bad to worse. I have a meeting this afternoon which looks to be a big one. Don't know what would be better, banging my head at my desk or banging it in the meeting. Oooo, decisions.

Hmmm... I think Tachi could be a good Ryouji Kaji from Eva. He gets the ladies but has problems keeing hold of them ;)

Right guys I'm ff to lunch. Break, very much needed.

*grabs pack lunch and climbs up ladders to the hole in the roof*

See you in about 45 *disappears through the hole*
8732 c'ya in a bit Voddas :p (if you're not back i'll stick Gensic GaoGaiGar on you!)

@Tach lol true :p ...Laid back, serious, jokey..from that i can tell you a character who resmbles that...Yoh from Shaman King :lol:

Good idea black,
lol @ fox.

falling asleep here. and stomach is running on nothing AGAIN grrr need to pay a trip to farmfoods. so my desk is full of food for when hunger strikes.

*two finger salute to a departing Voddas*

*slouches in chair*

I have a pile of paper work on my desk thats being used as an arm rest right now. thing is....i have to get rid of it by the time my manager comes hours time....but also have to have lunch before i only really have 30mins to do a shite load of work i've been putting off all morning.

on here really needs to liven up!

It just seams like hardly any members are online. and the posts are few and far between =/

It should liven up abit when work calms down for all.
awwell, Hadouken! will wake me up lol

I agree fox lol
beats the word Work, but hey, it'd be full of lulz

DAMN STRAIGHT IT WOULD. whoops did'nt mean to shout.

I would post more but there proper watching me now :(

What headphones did you get in the end Tach? Skullcandy ones?
8739 you should try the trick of taking a picture of you working then attaching to their faces when they aren't looking :p If we all worked on the same building...we would just run riot :p afterall an office block would be ideal to play real life versions of counter strike and the like (either nerf guns or paint ball guns instead of real ones of course)
*walks in dressed as an assassin with paintball guns in hands*

So when do we start? *notices no one was suited up*

Oh, you were speaking hypertheticly....
*holds back tears, turns and walks back out hanging his head*
Oh, lucky me :roll: :lol:

It's still really busy here so I'm still gonna be bluring in and out of vision. Kinda like my life force is being drained away. But sadly it's down to work and not doing forbiddon alchemy.
I used it on myself after working my but off. Really should have used more ingrediants than the contents of my lunch box tho. I'll end up looking like salad fingers o_O

Well im watching FMA tonight. Ive only seen Vol.1+2 so watching 3+4 over the peried of the week :)

Guys I need your help. Find me some good pictures of Kiname Chidori from FMP!, Clare from Claymore, Kanu from Ikki Tousen and email them to me :) this is important, or put them in a PM. This is very important :)