Count to a Million


Voddas You have found the perfect pic. Silver Star awarded.

You rest of you apes have been stripped of your ranks.

Yo Tach, what headphones did you buy in the end?

@fox, well i saw the black skullcandy ones in Hmv but their not cheap lol. i think i will wait till thursday. i managed to spend an awfull lot recently so im trying to be a convervative ;)

Nero here :thumb:

Yeah I want the black skullcandy ones, their £32.99 though OUCH!!!! so im with you on the price.

I wonder if their any good though, I dont want people staring at me on the train while im blasting out my hardcore haha

@Black I dont wanna argue with a mech so.......your rank stands *sigh*

Yeah somehow i doubt people on the train or bus will be happy with me sat there with bullet shredding or silent civilian screaming over epic guitaring must be done :p

Voddas, yes you do. as any anime/manga character you like but it has to be done!