Count to a Million


Ah sorry Tach, I did'nt see your post. I should've guessed though eh :p

Hey Voddas what about you? And you Mono, No hiding.

You could "pretend" to dress up and take a real close up shot of a mech toy and pretend its you in a costume?

Okay, I disappear for a couple of days and this is what you guys descend to... :lol:

Writing this from behind my NEW LAPTOP! Hooray, It finally came! Took me a while to sort all the updates and turn off Vista's "helpful" User Account Control - it's like Windows turned in Chris Tarrant.

"Are you sure?"


"That's your final answer?"
8792 Ayase is it more annoying then the MS Office Paperclip? :p plus if you think this is bad you've been missing our entrances that we (I mainly) have been doing coming into the thread :p

Hi Ayase! You shouldn't have come!! You'll have to do it too now! :wink:

Hmm... I think I mite pose as a sword wielding character. Also an excuse to show you my sword. Tis Nice ^________^

Now you said you have a scoped air rifle fox, it makes me less worried about my pose now :)
i'm going to pose with my air pistol ^^

BLACK! lies
you HAVE to try on the costume alittle.
plus...i'd like to see Voddas' sword :p

This could be quite funny actually. Who could I do...

@Black, yep. Worse than clippy (who no-one should have to suffer anymore since the advent of OpenOfffice). You put a disc in the drive - A box comes up asking you if you want to allow it to autorun. You click to install the program - A box comes up asking if you know and trust the software manufacturer. It's the same with downloading anything. But thankfully it's gone now!
8800 lol worse eh? That does sound bad :p

@Tach well i'm afraid i'm going to have to back out since i have no where near costume attire for any one :p (all i have is jeans and various gaming related tshirts...that's all lol )

Well actually get the autorun box. then you get the orange box asking if you know and trust it. then you have another box that opens asking if you want to continue or cancel.

oh such fun ¬_¬

btw...i keep pressing f5 and the views on fox' pic kept going up. so i held the button down and thus it had 45 views.i thought i'd better own up before fox thought someone with short term memory kept forgetting they'd seen it and keeps opening it :p

black: just throw usual clothes around until you find something that looks like your char.

@Tach its going to be very hard :p so if i don't get one up you have the reason, though there was a reason i chose L anyway (heh heh)

@Fox nice drawing, i should have a new one ready by tonight, only got another two faces to add to it

Well, it should be interesting on what turns up tomorrow :lol:

*picks up papers and puts them in his bag* Time for me to go now boys.

Tachi, Black, Fox, Mono, Ayase.... I'll see you all in your poses on the morrow ^____^
Ciao for now.

*disapears as if he was never there*

Cheers Black, its meant to be Nana from the over hyped series Elfen Lied

I prefer my Ed Ulrich sketch though, still proud of that :)

Guys im off home now. I wont be in 2morro as im getting inked. I'll be on first thing Thursday morning though with my pose pic and tattoo pic.

Later guys