Count to a Million

Well, this is the first time I've seen it dubbed. Was a bit defensive at first but don't mind it (still prefer sub). I don't think it's lost anything so far. It's been a long time since I last watched it so I'm enjoying it greatly. I'm about 19 episodes in at the moment. I'm enjoying it enough to prospone my viewing of LAIN anyway.

You seen it Back?
8831 yep that and End of Evangelion, while i do enjoy the series and i disagree with MegaGold who said there was only one comedy bit in the series (the first half had a lot if i recall) however i am one of the people who prefers Rahxephon to Eva which could mean i get shot on these forums :p


Nope....dart isn't working today mate. feel sick. not even sure where its come from either :/

Mononoke...did you pose? if not you still have time :)
Everyone has their own opinion Black. I haven't seen Rahxephon yet so I can't compare. I doo know I love this series and there are loads of comical bits (mainly in the first half of the series I guess).

My boxset comes with the original last 5 episodes and the Directors cut episodes as well. Be looking forawrd to seeing what the difference is. After this I wouldn't mind seeing Eva1.0. Heard it's very popular.

Did everyone pose by the way? :p
8835 oh i posed :p but i'm not posting till everyone else posts first :lol: and yeah i know but it seems on here at least saying you like Rahxephon is like putting a big target on your forehead but meh. I have the same set, didn't notice anything that new a couple of scenes here and there though i did notice that they redid a lot of the episode previews for what i can remember as i'm sure i saw some EoE concepts in the epsiode previews for the 25&26 eps (i think it was the Asuka fight with the mass produced Evas)

@Tach sorry to hear that...maybe i should just try a bigger gun....optimism tank maybe?
Don't blame her. *waves at nothing* by Mono.

I posed :p Not very good but it'll do. Actually here, here's a picture of my sword from long view. Included pen for size comparison.

It's my sword not Blacks :p I'll post my pose after lunch coz I'll have to head off shortly. Here's a picture of the hilt and the skull on the end.

Thanks :D Problem with ahving a sword about however is the constant uncontroulable urges to swing it around in the house. Or dress up and jump from roof to roof as a new age crime fighter.

*stairs into space grinning, and drooling slightly*
Isn't that a Futurama Episode? I thought you just said Justice League wrong then :lol:

EDIT/ Right guys, I'm off to lunch so I'll catch you shortly.

*Throws a ball to the ground to create a flash and disappears*

*Walks back in seconds later* Forgot my coat. :oops:

*Walks back out*