Count to a Million


lol you sod.

awwell. i look really young in that pic of me doin a nero tribute. like i said, i couldn't do the pose i wanted lol
im taking it down. tis too bad a pic. shall replace it with another one :p

so make sure you look back a page to see different pic.
Tachi you poser :p

This picture is of no one character in particular. Work tie over my eye and the sleeve of a t-shirt over my mouth. Aren't I creative. Plus I'm modeling my new Tropic Thunder top ^____^

I have rather a few hundred of different pics to choose from (just normal posing)

I think i have a problem :lol:

Both your pic's are great :D wasn't sure if people would actually do it
just ayase, Chazzy chaz and mono left :p

Was that a zabuza or kakashi with white neckerchief on?
Nice pick Black :thumb:
nice room too. Heh. Well I'v not got any more suprise pics for you boys, so for Voddas poses, that's your lot. Are waiting to see if Ayase posts one? Mono won't be like.

*Looks at watch and jumps up*

I've just realised I have a meeting. Don't know how long I'll be but hopefully be back just after 4. Speak to you later.

*Dashes out the room in a cloud of dust*

@Tachi: It was indeed, however Zabuza was more obviouse than I thought it was. Ah well. Catch you inabit. ^__________^
8920 damn it Tach i was just about to post the connection to zabzua (best Naruto villain ever)

But yeah good pics all round :p

:p soryy black

*two fingered salute* see you when you get back Voddas.





fav naruto char and why?
Least fav naruto char and why?

Fav character eh? well lets see i guess my answer would be shikamaru simply because of his attitude plus he's got the smarts to back up his talents.

less liked...Sasuke :p and orichmaru...though the latter is because of that VG Cats comic that shown what he was really like :p

Fav....Kakashi sensei, the guy knows how to be cool. 2nd fav......just for the lulz of his name The Pervy Sage :p

lesser favourite: "8 trigrams......64 palms" urgh neji is annoying as hell. and doesn't have a personality.

Edit: :D come on mono, you know you want to ;)
*Loud bank on the roof is heard* AAaaaoowwwww....

*Stumbles in* Man we did a good job on that roof Tachi, I nearly broke my legs.

Fav Naruto Char for me would have to be Rock Lee, Kakashi comes in a close second just coz he's too chool for ninja school.

Less fav would have to say is Konohamaru and chums. One Naruto is enough I think.

My Favourites change all the time in this series anyway so take my options with a pinch of salt.

im not forcing black lol
im trying to be abit cheeky tho :p
I'm wondering what she actually looks like *stares into space*

yeah that steel reinforced steel did wonders voddas :thumb:

well actually.....were abit on the cheap side of the budget ths reinforced steel might of been abit of a white lie lol
more like abit of plywood painted silver....:p

but it does the trick.