Yes! Taxman! Powers to make people collapse into a weaping pile without even lifting a finger. Wish I was in a different league like. I won't be in this profession for ever but at the moment it's required for finance.
I am indeed a Taxman Tachi however not in that field of tax I'm affraid. I'm more in the Buisiness and Council Tax sector. Sorry *shrugs*
OOoo, not long to go till the end of work!!! *squeals with excitment*
Guess Ayase din't pose.... and Fox is tomorrow isn't he. Wonder what hi tattoo is going to look like.
*jumps up with coat already on*
Gotta dash guys to beat the traffic. Will see you on tomorrow. Fingers crossed for a quieter day for me.
Ciao for now.
*Crawls up chimney*
::Wanders in. Nonchalantly shoots Blackwolf for preferring Rahxephon to Eva::
Guess I'm late, huh? Have not been well today at all... sinuses and head cold. Ugh.
Some good pics there people! I'll join Fox in posting tomorrow. I can put on a bandanna and be myself (Ayase from YKK) or shave and be Raoul Creed from Ergo Proxy.
8952 *shurgs off bullet* Ha as the king of braves i'm a cyborg so you'll have to do more then that :twisted: though what's wrong with preffering Rahxephon to Eva :lol:
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