Count to a Million


Nah he does'nt want an apprentice. Plus im too old to start tattooing now. They always say to start at like 17. so not many people would take me on as an apprentice.

My tattooiest is my friend though so I can pop in there anytime and hangout, but I just dunno if I want an office job anymore
Always said thatI've wanted a tatt but wanted to be slim when I did it. Guess that'll never happen any time soon. :roll:

I know what you mean Fox. I don't want to be in an office forever, it's just finding that job you want to do. PLUS, your never too old to start doing tattoes boy! How old are you (if you don't mind me asking, I forget*
*pulls out tape recorder and holds up to Fox*
8974 Final Fusion Approved! Broken Magnum!

*Mecha blows hole in the wall with his giant fist*

Sorry about that guys :p i couldn't find the door so i had to make one...or a few.

The King of Braves is back

*heroic pose*

that sucks for you mate =/
what would you do apart from an office job? infact...what would you guys do as a job if you had to leave your current one tomorrow?

(Voddas, join a gym. my mate richard joined one and lost 3 stone and hasn't looked so healthy in a long time)

Morning black, ahh yes, the tumbleweed have congrigated by the exit so thats why you couldn't get in..

and the floors fine, i keep shooting holes in the wall to go out.
*pulls out floorboard kit*
Wish I had time for the Gym Tach but at the moment it's not time or cost effective. I eat healthly and I'm happy with my body... just won't get a tattoe on it. *shrugs*

Hi Black.... *Black poses as voddas looks around* hey congratulations, no tumble weed today :thumb:

Tach Im gonna kill you now :p!! You totally just made me open up a Hentai site in the HSBC HQ building in front of all my colleagues.........prepare to die

Black, pan the sucker haha
