Things wish Amber hit a dead end road lastnight. i saw all the signs but couldn't apply the brakes or turn the thing around. in the end, hit the wall and now things are in pieces.
Tried to make light of the matter, tried my twisted humour on it "well there's still another 4 to choose from" but it didn't help.
I really liked her. but she said that "were too different"
which is the biggest B.S excuse girls use on guys, everyone knows it is but they still use it.
1 we listen to the same bands and music
2 Both watch anime and draw manga chars
3 both outgoing and always having fun when out
4 go to gigspots in luton for good nights out
5 have similar personalities
6 known each other since highschool
7 both share friends
8 have a good time when together
9 agree and disagree of things in jest and laugh about it moments later
10 spend alot of time talking.
But as soon as we got together....we still had fun, had a laugh, did everything as we normally would....but the talking was almost none existant...it wasn't that we didn't want to talk...it was like there wasn't really anything exciting or cool to talk about because the other already knew...and talking about something over and over again would of been boring. during the week nothing happens....the weekend is the only time things usually get exciting.
Yeah i go out during the week. but i haven't this week :/
thats probs what killed it