Count to a Million



Might of been clashing...but reading what i just wrote made me realise something.
We talked about things that'd happend,,,that was the main topic.
not really talked TO each other as much as we talked about the theings we've done.

Thats where the river ran dry....
Knowing that... I think i might be able to fix it.

"Persistance is the key to unlocking Achievement"

Humour is very important IMO. Talking is the BIGGEST part in a relationship. Especially building a relationship. Maybe you are too similar Tach. Chalk and cheese and all that. I don't think I have anything in common with my misses besides a few tv programs and spicey food. What I can do is make her laugh alot ^^
I'm sorry to hear you've been haveing troubles mate. But it's never easy at first.

He travels underground to beat the traffic.....i can see him. he's sat in subway eating a footlong.

I could go to a cathouse and give someone a footlong haha

Edit, damn you Fox. i saw that new avatar and thought it was a new member, went to grab my net then realised its you *shakes fist*
8494 *appears standing on a telephone pole, cloak blowing mysteriously in the wind, hat tilted low so no one can see the face*

Actually i was waiting for the serious talk to blow over...Talking so serious in the morning does nothing but destroy your day to come


Ah...not again...

*falls and gets tangled in a tree*

jeez....ah well..

*snaps fingers, parts of mecha break through the ground and combine and untangles*
Welcome Black. I don't blame you for standing back. This thread wasn't built for seriouse talks I guess.

*sticks pipe in mouth and blows bubbles*

Nice avatar Fox O_O

Thanks :) Im niot sure who she is though. I thuink her name is Miyuki. If anyone knows tehn please tell me lol

Its game buying day today, what 360 game shall I buy. Anyone played Chronohound>

*puts music back on*

Mornin Black, you okay mate?

Apologies on the seriousness so early.
Just allowed it to get too much. rather stupid.

be back in a little while..

Edit: Fox, PS3 owner...haven't played 360 games much. sorry. could help
*walks in picking teeth the toothpick and holding belly*
Luch was goooood. Nice big granery bagutte. Very tasty. How busy is everyone today? Quite busy here again T_T

Im gonna watch Tsukihime Vol.3 tonight Black. Whats in store me tonight then :0 is it a good finale?

Oh by the way. If any of you guys are interested but FullMetal Alchemist Vol.8 is only £1.99 on Uk Anime Online. I picked myself up a copy a few days ago lol, im only up to Vol.3 but I thought i would grab 8 as it was cheap as muck

@Voddas - Very busy :( im still hungover like a tramp thats run out of Whisky
I can't be doing with these people complaining to me!! Why does everyone I speak to think I'm directly responsible for their council tax?! Role on 4.30 ¬_¬

EDIT/ Just added Tsukihime to my "Plan to watch" list :p