Count to a Million


Morning Tach, half fell through? Sounds like a story, shoot lol

Mine was ok, did alot of painting, went and visited a castle with a bloody long walk before it so my legs and knee's are offcially f*cked :D

So yeah, a satisfying weekend at minimum

Ouch, sounds rough!

okay grab a bean bag and gather round for tachi's eventful life stories day 12,4035

Friday i stressed the importance of getting home and blitzing my room (for family due to stay the night) and being able to get ready to meet amber at 6.30, well i got home and blitzed my room by 6.20, asked my mum if she was finished cleaning the bathroom so i can grab a shower and then get ready and was told "i'll be atleast 20minutes"
so i replied "you know how important this is to me! can't i just grab a shower quickly?"

"no you'll have to wait and if your late then thats life"

"great i might aswell not bother going now, and whats great is, i can't even text amber to say im going to be late because her fones broken and texting her sister is pointless as her fones off"

So i get a text from amber (her using her sisters fone) basically saying "thanks a bunch for not bothering to turn up"
so when i go downstairs looking well and truly pissed off my mum has the gall to say "whats wrong with you?" so im sat there in the foulest mood ever trying not to listen to my mum repeating the question. in the end i just walk off ignoring her completely.

Saturday i was meant to go into town with the lads to watch batman. but 1 i woke up at 11 (the time we were meant to meet up in town) 2 ben text me saying he wont be coming because his mums not well, 3 sam can't come at 12 because he starts his shift at work at 3pm so will be cutting it fine. so me and leo go....whilst in town we went to the radio 3 stage in the town centre to listen to local bands playing, and who do i see? amber and her sister :( so i steered clear thinking that amber will be really angry with me.

later that evening i tell her sister i saw her in town and amber then comes online and isn't angry with me but sad because i didn't go give her a hug or say hi in town *facepalms repeatedly*

Saturday i went to bed at 2am and woke up at 2pm sunday so managed to catch up on my lack of sleep all week....but lastnight i didnt go to sleep till 2.30am this morning.....then woke up at 7.30 to get a shower. i feel dizzy and tired, its like being drunk but without drinking :(
and yesterday jenni said she'll have to cancel movie and pizza tonight because its the wrong time for her (time of the month) grrr so thats a third thing thats fallen through....but this saturday were grabbing a movie and pizza in the evening and during the day my friend kelly wants to go shoppin in town so im getting dragged along to carry bags.

Morning all... o_O Looks like Tachi is on one :p

Sounds like you had a mostlty sucky weekend there Tach. Mine went quite well actually. Mostly was doing jobs like so wasn't a chilled weekend. Sometimes getting all those jobs done is better than chillin anyway. God feeling.

AMERICA IN 4 DAYS!!! Can you tell I'm excited. ^_______^