Count to a Million

7470 Yeah :p though you can still shoot the gas barrels that are lying around, sigh wish it was getting a sequel, still think it could fit into the Resi universe quite easily (though i guess it still can)
Not to rain on your parade Black, just popped on to see whats up and noticed YOU (of all people) lost us 30 spaces about 8 posts ago. Tut Tut....

HEH! Looky vodddas (who is working hard by the way) is on hand with his hawk eye action!!!

The number of this post is actually!

Peace out! :D
I've noticed... been poping in for a bit of a catch up but there hasn't been much catching up required. What's everyone upto I wonder.

Work is being a nightmare like yesterday. Was expecting it like, thus the warning this morning. Soooo glad it's Friday. Finishing at 4.30 today and counting the seconds.
Oh Yeeah! Need to get out of this office now. Work starting to dril down on me. I can tell I'm getting sloppy and careless. Not what I want ¬_¬

Nice holiday break coming up end of next week like. America here I come!
7509 I think we can cut him some slack :p

Cool Tach, sorry about its length :p i once tried to format it to A5 size Arial 12 font with double spacing and it shot up to 400+ pages : :lol:
7511 Well guys i must say good bye for now, my friend will be coming by to pick me up and then its a nightout for me. So Fox will c'ya on monday, Tachi c'ya tomorrow hopefully and Voddas..i'll c'ya when you are on next :p

Huh, wha... whats going on? Oh C ya later Black :p


I'm still here in body lads, but sadly not in mind. Work has been a nightmare.

@Tach To save me writing in another thread I'd just like to congrat you on a fantastic pic mate. It's tre cool (as they say in France).

Catch you later mate :thumb: and dont worry about it mate :D
means i can read a substantial story and not get bored :p

Thank you all for the kind words :p

Right, I'll catch you guys later (if your there). Not been an active day for me on the forums but I slipped away from work at a few intervals lol.

Have a good weekend if I don't see you on!! CIAO! :¬)