Count to a Million


Has Noein got alot of action in it or is it more of a psychological anime?

Wow what tournament has Voddas gone in for? A Yu-Gi-Oh tourny haha
6260 damn sercuity :p its a lan multiplayer tournament with his clan, not sure what games he's playing though, i do recall him saying he was playing Call of Duty 4 for definite though

Ahh Im so jealous!! As soon as I get LIVE again im going to start a clan on CoD4, also Lost Planet too, such a good multiplayer taht is totally overlooked.
6262 cool lol i need to get that router fixed before i can get on live :cry: oh and i guess but that network adaptor ah well, did you know they are making a Lost Planet movie now?
6266 I know :p i love that movie and pretty much the whole guyver franchise (not the first movie though, the one starring Mark Hamill, that one was to bad to be considered cheesy)

Haha yeah that one is pretty cool film, the acting is questionable and the rubberfeet are just brillaint ha. I think I picked up my copy in Game for like 99p about 4 years ago lol

David Hayter is also the voice of EA sports "EA SPORTS, ITS IN THE

This is like David Hayter appreciation day 08/08/08 you heard it here first haha

Ive never seen any of the Guyver anime though. Is it good?
6268 Depends which version you're asking about there's three.

Guyver: Out of Control a small OVA that came out in 1986 was never dubbed and was never released in the west

Guyver- 12 episode series that Manga Ent released over here during the mid 90s on video.

and lastly

Guver: The Bioboosted Armour - 26 Episode series that ADV recently finished releasing, this is the newest series as it finished ariing in 2006 i believe

David Hayter fact: He wrote the screenplay for the first X Men movie and did joint work on the screen play for the second X Men film. Also did a screenplay for Watchmen but it was rejected

Yes, that mid 90's one rings a bell, Back in school years ago A friend lent me the VHS for one of the episodes. I seem to remember enjoying it but feeling gutted as It was a series and I could'nt afford to buy any video's lol

I have not seen any of the new ADV Guyvers. Are they the better series and can you pick up the Manga Entertainment series still or is that OOP
6970 I liked the new series, it goes further into the manga plot then the old Mange Ent 90s series did, its worth a look, despite character changes (mainly how some of the characters look)

Yeah the Manga Ent series has been out of print for ages now, they don't even have the licence any more. You can still get the tapes from ebay i think but i've never seen offical dvd releases for them (not in this country anyway)
6972 Yeah the ending was kinda a letdown but seeing the bad guys win overall was a nice bonus Still i liked it still hoping for a second season...
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6974 Yeah ah well if a second season comes i know what will happen in it pretty much two words Zeus Thunderbolt :wink:
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6976 Nope the original 12 ep Manga Ent series only went as far as the ep where Sho fights Aptom again and regains the ablity to bio boost That information comes from the manga series which is currently at vol 25+ in japan. If we got a second season you get to see Gigantic Dark as well who is Guyver III version of Guyver Gigantic :wink:
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