Count to a Million


evangelion rocks said:
6977-Wow, now that would be awesome!Has the manga been translated?

i think the early volumes were translated by viz and released in america in the late ninties but it didn;t get far. There is unoffical translations of course :wink:

Foxstripe said:
This man knows his Guyver

Thanks :) I've done a lot of reaearch on it :p
6980-If only there were degrees in anime........

Woman:My god!He's choking!!
Man:Is there a doctor here?!
Blackwolf:That would be me!
Woman:can you save him?
Blackwolf:no,but i can give you a complete series overview of guyver!

HAHA Thats twice in two days that your posts have made me laugh aloud at work.

One being that one you just posted and the other was your comment on another thread stating " sorry i'm late, I was walking home when this huge jelly fell on me....."

I LOVED it haha

Keep it up ;)
6981 that would be cool :p but i'll just have to settle with my degree in computer studies (which consisted of a nice mix of computer games design and computer games programming)
Foxstripe said:

HAHA Thats twice in two days that your posts have made me laugh aloud at work.

One being that one you just posted and the other was your comment on another thread stating " sorry i'm late, I was walking home when this huge jelly fell on me....."

I LOVED it haha

Keep it up ;)
Thanks!^_^I try keep things fun

6983-Hows your game coming Blackwolf?
6984 Good actually, i've gotten keyboard controls implemented as well as Xbox 360 controls (it will be for the PC platform but its nice to play with the pad) my next task is to get the viewpoint sorted and then sort out a display of some kind
6986 unfortunatly i can't say too much at this stage the standard leagal reasoning what have you. Hopefully i'll have something to show in under a month and a half :wink: Its being done as part of my free works experince in the games industy