Count to a Million

BlackWolf said:
6174 Cool, i'll start looking into it :)
DO IT! :twisted: You'll love it! You can take it out on me if you don't. 8)

No Expo for Voddas, however would have loved to. Got so many things going on. I have the time, but no money to use in it :(

You going Fox?
6178 I can see it fine

@Foxstripe, i would love to go i've been planning to go for the last two years :p but either money of timing was against me or like this year where i found an affordable method of transporation the same day as the expo

ahh thats a big shame. Yeah im going :D I work right next to it. You know the HSBC tower at Canary Wharf, i work on the 27th floor so I have easy access to the excel :)

I wonder why I cant see your avatar? maybe my work have blocked it?
6181 If its photobucket then my work have blocked it!

That'd be cool if you came man, you could teach me some things beings as ive only been really into the hobby (can I call it a hobby?) for about 6 months
Back from my break now :p

Yeah, it's linked to Photobucket, which explains it. Nay mind, work have band loads of stuff on this PC. They didn't take anime related sites into consideration tho. Lucky me! XD

Yup that explains it alright. Yeah my work have banned EVERYTHING. so lucky I still have this forum as a break in comms lol

So whats everyone doing tonight? I may carry on with Death Note and start the first Vol. of Ninja scroll with a few beers and a pizza, ohhhh
Tonight I'm taking it easy with being on the road at 8am tomorrow. Movie and a bottle o wine with the misses. Mite watch some anime after she goes to bed like =P

Luckily I managed to get my girlfriend into anime, so now she watches it all with me and she even buys me dvd's every ow and then as a gift (but I reckon she actually bought them for herself haha)

I must say I do tend to avoid the Ghibli stuff, its not really my thing......
Wish my misses liked anime :(
She has a problem with subs which is the main problem. I guess I could tie her to a chair and force her into it :)