Count to a Million

6138 first manga eh? Well what's your taste in anime like? I've always found it best to pick a manga that from a genre that you were intrested in then you just branch out from there.

good idea. Well here's what I like at the moment:-

Chrono Chrusade

Obviously ive seen others but they stand out at the minute lol. So I guess acton. I dont mind mecha either.
6140 I see, cool.

Well for starters you could always look at the big three from Shouen Jump (Naruto, Bleach and Death Note) but the first two can prove expensive to collect since they are ongoing series. But from your list you could look at Buso Renkin since it has some similiaries to Full Metal Alchemist.

By the way what did you think of Chrono Crusade?

Claymore is a good read however that's still on going. For complete manga I would suggest Monster or Death Note. I flew threw them ^_^

Hmm thing is im watching all those Shoen jump series on anime dvd at the moment :(.

So far ive only watched the first 3 vol. of Chrono Crusade so its hard to judge, im liking it so far, funny in places, some good action in places and the story has just started to develop regarding the amulet around Rosettes neck.

How come? :p
6143 Just curious :p I've recently finished watching that series, though i hate ADV's collection case, i feel as though i'm going to break it everytime i take a DVD out. Yeah Voddas's picks are good, espcially Monster that's on my to buy list at the top.

Im buying each individual Vol. I prefer that as you get the artwork etc, im weird like that lol.

So whats Monster about, I've heard alot about this?

Monster : When a Doctor makes the highly controversial decision to save a boy's life over the mayor's, it leads to the loss of almost everything he holds dear. His fiance, his career, his social standing. The only thing he keeps is his own feeling of self worth, knowing that he did the right thing in saving the boy, who came in first. Yet even that is threatened when he begins to learn that nothing is as it originally appeared. A trail of bloodshed pointing to the seemingly innocent child leaves him questioning even his beliefs. Whether, in the end, all lives are ever truly equal.

Stole that from AAN :p

Hey guys, I think i'll buy Monster Vol 1 when I get the chance :). It'll be my first Manga ever woo. I understand you read them from back to front right?

I wish they were in colour :(

I ordered Divergence Eve Vol 1 and the Ninja Scroll series and tehy should be waiting for me when I get home, sweet.

yeah I think it was probably the first ever anime movie I ever watched, must of been about 10 years ago I watched it haha.

I doubt the series will be anywhere near as good as the movie, but I picked it up for £15 so I cant argue

Yeah, I heard the series isn't as good but probably worth the watch. I'm watching so much stuff at the mo. Probably leave it till I haven't got any left.

@Black WATCH THE MOVIE!!! :twisted:

Buying cheap sereis is cool. I got Heat Guy J for £15 a few months back. Series was ok. A nice bedtime easy (no concentration required) watch like.

Yeah black, seriously lol, you can pick it up for like £5 and very worth it, a timeless classic!

Does anyone know where I can get a good 100x100 avatar from??