Count to a Million


Unfortunatly it is no one I know nor is it a character I know of, I think its just a piece of art from a site. I cant even remember the site now haha.

Im actually a guy so I hope people dont mistake me for a chick haha :!:
Voddas said:
Is there a certain character you want for your avatar fox? I would gladly trim one down for you if you wanted?


Thats very kind of you, I think i'll stick with this for now, until I start getting chatted up by dudes, then I may ask you to trim a pic for me lol

Haha I heed your warnings.

If I were gonna get a trimmed pic, it would be of

Rosette from Chrono Crusade

Souske Sagara or Kiname Chidori from FMP

Gennosuke Sama from Basilisk

Or a hot chick from Ikki Tousen haha

Random Post for no reason. Coke Chart!
BlackWolf said:
6171 Nice :lol: How is Code Geass Voddas? Last mecha show i watched was Gundam 00
Very good actually. Very different to other mecha series I've watched. You definately have to try it out if you haven't already Black. 1st series was cool but R2 is coming back with avengance. =P
Foxstripe said:

for soem reason I cant view the chart? its just a small red X. As is your avatar Voddas?
Strange, pritty sure there's nothing wrong with it? Black can see it.

Black, can you see my avatar? :S