Beez Entertainment Discussion

melonpan said:
beez_andrew said:
Truered said:
Hello, stumbled across this site while looking for something. Is there a reason, or are the retail sites wrong, as the Haruhi volume 1 release (UK) has been moved from the 26th to the 9th of June :cry:


with monthly consecutive UK DVD releases slated to begin on the 24th of May (at the London Expo) and running through to 8th August (the final volume will be debuting at UK anime convention AmeCon 2008).

I don't know if it's a mistake or not.

Just as an update it's all on track still but with Expo there was a slight delay as we wanted to see if the LE could have a few more copies reproduced or not.

They'll all be out before or around Amecon time though so in that sense not much has changed :). Sorry for the delay though!

Sneakily I can confirm I'll have a VERY limited number of LE's for Amecon and London Expo in October as well hopefully :).

For the reproductions, are you sourcing them from China, as apparently all the US Haruhi merch. came from China; I would assume producing that quantity of goods from the UK would cost a bomb!

EDIT: I talk as if it were fact. Then I should add were the originals really made in China solely, and are you planning on producing yours in the UK if that is possible?

Well if we're talking about the Haruhi LE items, we're taking those from the US. Though that was an experiment, in future I'd like them made in house to save on stress and costs etc. No sourcing was done in China anyway and the cost was not a bomb :).

I can't speak for what the US did to produce them though I'm afraid :).
Ryo Chan said:
Back to Anime Central chat again

it appears that it's Ofcom licence has been replaced by "True Entertainment"

So as far as your aware is Anime Central dead now or do you still have plans to keep it running in some other form?

Sorry for delays (to everyone actually) this summer has been phenomenally busy so far o.o.

As far as I am aware regardless of what happens with AC - there will most likely still be an anime block somewhere. That's my understanding anyway, sadly it's up to Mark to clarify over at AC for you all I'm afraid.
Is it me or are the last few lines of last episode of Gunbuster 2 are missing English subtitles, does anyone know what the translation for the last few lines are?
A couple of questions:

1- Why are DVD subtitles not translated into British English?
Having to read 'Mom' instead of 'Mum', or seeing 'color' instead of 'colour' for instance gets rather irritating.
Please don't tell me it's to do with cost saving!

2- Any plans to release the Gundam Seed Astray shorts and the Seed Character Theatres?
Also the Seed Destiny Chosen Future?
As a Seed fan, I would love to add these to my collection.

I know it's silly to thank a company for making a profit off of you, but I'm going to say it anyway! Thank you so, so much, Beez, for giving me the opportunity to get the Haruhi LE at last! :]
CitizenGeek said:
I know it's silly to thank a company for making a profit off of you, but I'm going to say it anyway! Thank you so, so much, Beez, for giving me the opportunity to get the Haruhi LE at last! :]
Keep on going like this, it will take you places.. ;D
chaos said:
CitizenGeek said:
I know it's silly to thank a company for making a profit off of you, but I'm going to say it anyway! Thank you so, so much, Beez, for giving me the opportunity to get the Haruhi LE at last! :]
Keep on going like this, it will take you places.. ;D

I'll do anything beez_andrew asks me to.



20 or so days until the LE of Haruhi 2 turns up. I brought it for the armband :oops:
Dave said:
Is it me or are the last few lines of last episode of Gunbuster 2 are missing English subtitles, does anyone know what the translation for the last few lines are?

Given we took it straight from the US release I can't see why that would happen - I'll check it out though on one of the press copies I have here though and get back to you on it :).
Gundam Junkie said:
A couple of questions:
1- Why are DVD subtitles not translated into British English?
Having to read 'Mom' instead of 'Mum', or seeing 'color' instead of 'colour' for instance gets rather irritating.
Please don't tell me it's to do with cost saving!

It's not technically about cost saving (though indirectly it may be). Basically I do flag these things up but we're not permitted to alter the subtitles content when we receive them from the US for contractual reasons (plus fiddling with another translator's work without asking is pretty rude even if it is just localizing :/). So unless we paid someone to do the whole thing again we couldn't do it really.

Gundam Junkie said:
2- Any plans to release the Gundam Seed Astray shorts and the Seed Character Theatres?
Also the Seed Destiny Chosen Future?
As a Seed fan, I would love to add these to my collection.


I'll take a look into them - what with the movie coming out in Japan next year probably if we were releasing them I'd prefer to do it as a pack or such so will see what can be done - no guarantees though!

Hope this helps!

- Andrew
CitizenGeek said:
I know it's silly to thank a company for making a profit off of you, but I'm going to say it anyway! Thank you so, so much, Beez, for giving me the opportunity to get the Haruhi LE at last! :]

Not a problem, it's our pleasure to bring a title like this complete with extras to the UK! We're now sold out of box 1 short of the few for convention events we have left O_O.

I'm looking to see if we can do a very limited reprint of them for those still looking or such so more on that in the future :).
beez_andrew said:
It's not technically about cost saving (though indirectly it may be). Basically I do flag these things up but we're not permitted to alter the subtitles content when we receive them from the US for contractual reasons (plus fiddling with another translator's work without asking is pretty rude even if it is just localizing :/). So unless we paid someone to do the whole thing again we couldn't do it really.

Tch, why do we always have to settle for American crap?
And not just with Anime, but on the tele as well.
I wonder if they alter any subtitles we might do, which I wouldn't put past them.

Oh well. Thanks for answering my questions anyhoo.
beez_andrew said:
Dave said:
Is it me or are the last few lines of last episode of Gunbuster 2 are missing English subtitles, does anyone know what the translation for the last few lines are?

Given we took it straight from the US release I can't see why that would happen - I'll check it out though on one of the press copies I have here though and get back to you on it :).

It look like it not a one off thing:

Does not ruin the release by any means but it would just be nice to know what the very last fews lines actually were. Could someone post the last few lines with a spoiler if anyone knows them please.
From the Haruhi release (And the Gundam release), I guess, Most people whom want it already have there's by now, so, I guess (again) you must know whether going the extra mile and doing a super-special-extravagant release was turned out to be a good/bad thing.

So.. Basically, from what you know: Will BEEZ carry on doing magical releases, like them?
Jayme said:
From the Haruhi release (And the Gundam release), I guess, Most people whom want it already have there's by now, so, I guess (again) you must know whether going the extra mile and doing a super-special-extravagant release was turned out to be a good/bad thing.

So.. Basically, from what you know: Will BEEZ carry on doing magical releases, like them?
I havnt got mine yet :(
I lack monnaaayy!!
jonboy said:
I noticed that patlabor 1 and 2 collectors editions are being released 28th July according to play. Are these the same collectors editions that already exist but grouped together or are they different? ... oduct.html

Sorry about the delay, big things are coming soon so have been kept very busy working on them X_X!

In answer - yes these are the same collectors editions bundles together for a limited number of about 100 units.

Hope this helps!
Dave said:
beez_andrew said:
Dave said:
Is it me or are the last few lines of last episode of Gunbuster 2 are missing English subtitles, does anyone know what the translation for the last few lines are?

Given we took it straight from the US release I can't see why that would happen - I'll check it out though on one of the press copies I have here though and get back to you on it :).

It look like it not a one off thing:

Does not ruin the release by any means but it would just be nice to know what the very last fews lines actually were. Could someone post the last few lines with a spoiler if anyone knows them please.

Yeah I was going to say I read that thread as well pre-linkage - sorry to hear it's a problem and I'll chase out the last few lines if it's on the US release for you (which may take a little while as they're stored in our Paris office!)

Sorry again for the problem - I'll have to look into what's happened behind it when things quieten down here :/.