Ride Your Wave
for mild bad language, sex references, brief nudity
Fairy Tail Final Season Part 1 (Fairy Tail Part 23)
for moderate sex references, implied strong language
Mobile Suit Gundam NT
for brief bloody images, moderate threat
Cautious Hero: The Hero Is Overpowered But Overly Cautious
for strong bloody images, strong violence, sexual violence, sexualised images, strong sex references, sexualised nudity, brief sexual threat
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Re;surrection
for strong violence, injury detail, suicide, sexualised nudity
Kemono Michi: Rise Up
for strong sex references, sexualised images, wrestling violence
Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Springs
for strong sexualised images, sexual threat, strong sex references, references to sexual violence
I was curious about the 'Yuuna' episodes being '18'. I'll share an e-mail exchange with BBFC.
The e-mail I sent:
Hi, thanks for your work.
I'm wondering why all the 'Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Spring' episodes were rated '18'? For example, episode 6 was rated '18' for sexualised nudity. There is a scene with topless nudity but it is presented in a comic context and is quite brief when considering the length of the episode.
I remember when sexualised breast nudity was classified at '15' with no issue. Why is the adult category required for this nudity that lacks strong detail? Even some of the old 'Carry On' films had somewhat sexualised nudity at PG (they probably would not carry this rating today, though).
Thanks very much
The response:
Thank you for your email.
The Classification Guidelines state that nudity with no sexual context is in principle acceptable at all classification levels, but will not generally occur more than occasionally at U. Nudity with a sexual context will receive a higher classification. Where the principal purpose of depicting nudity is to sexually arouse it will usually only be passed at the adult categories (18 or R18).
In the case of Yuuna and the Haunted Hot Spring there is a focus on the sexualised nudity of chil*like characters who are identified as being under the age of 18. As such the episodes are classified 18.
Yours sincerely
BBFC Feedback Team