Animax UK | Just... Why
Samurai Champloo
English Dub: No
I still find it weird that we can't get DBZ on Crunchyroll, but hey, at least we have *some* official option now.
Just what is the block though? Boy would I love to know / be a fly on the wall...
A little known fact: "Toei" is actually the acroynym in Japanese for "the UK is screwed over again."
But it's on Daisuki, so at least they are using lube this time.
No, I guess...Animax UK | Just... Why
Samurai Champloo
English Dub: No
Crunchyroll | Catalogue | New Addition
Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: The Conqueror of Shamballa
Audio: English dub & original Japanese audio
Regions: North America, Cental America, South America, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.
More like the Conqeror of Region Locking shambuls, am I right folks?!Crunchyroll | Catalogue | New Addition
Fullmetal Alchemist the Movie: The Conqueror of Shamballa
Audio: English dub & original Japanese audio
Regions: North America, Cental America, South America, UK, Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand.
Now if someone would stream the orginal 2003 series in the UK...
I started watching it years ago when it was on Funi's YouTube channel, but never finished it. Also it's a famous classic. I've not read the manga, so I wouldn't be comparing it.Not sure of your reasons why, other then to see where it diverged to the comic