Animefreak17 And His All-Purpose General Chat Thread

Kyaku said:
Alright, if you can answer my questions correctly, you'd make a good bad guy AF.

Q1. What kind of Dragon Ball Z would you be?

Q2. Would you have Dragon Ball Z powers?

Q3. What would your evil plan be?

Q4. Which hero would you destroy?

First I meant to spell despair that was my mistake

What question is Q1 again
a bad guy is someone that someone dislikes in the eyes of someone and has done things that others don't like but here are those who respects that person out of fear, out of ambition, for power ect a hero is hero in the eyes of some and some times can be considered a villain in the eyes of others in one way or another and the same can be said about a villian but it depends on how you look at peopel in the real world.

My perfect villain would have to have
1 a cool head
2 think things ahead
3 doesnt underrestermate his opponent
4 dosent get to full of him self
5 calm and confer-dent
6 full of ambition
7 sometimes do the right things for the right reasons

I'm more of a anti villain fan to be honest
animefreak17 said:
My perfect villain would have to have
1 a cool head
2 think things ahead
3 doesnt underrestermate his opponent
4 dosent get to full of him self
5 calm and confer-dent
6 full of ambition
7 sometimes do the right things for the right reasons

I'm more of a anti villain fan to be honest

You said before that you'd like to be a villian, now you contradict that statement. Point 2 is your parallel and the correct spelling is confident.
Do you guys know what a anti villain is?

Basically the opposite of an anti-hero. While the anti-hero often fights on the protagonist's team, but with selfish motives, the anti-villain plays a villain's game, but for what's at least in their eyes a noble cause. They may be personally more noble or heroic than an anti-hero but the means to achieve their ends are often considered immoral, unjust, even evil. Sometimes they may simply be a villain with gentlemanly qualities or a code of honor or some sense of justice. Anti-villains will occasionally side with their rivals (usually the protagonist) if a greater threat than themselves comes or it is in both of their best interests. Often also considered "grey" characters due to their moral ambiguity. Examples of popular anti-villains include Magneto, Ozymandias from Watchmen, Eric Finch, Benjamin Linus, the Jigsaw Killer, Francis Hummel, Kane from Command & Conquer, The Operative from the film Serenity, and Loki from the 2011 adaptation of the Thor comics.
I'm holding onto my hope!! He just decided to take the time to write a thoughtful, well structured paragraph, and was even kind enough to research popular examples of anti-hero's. Isn't that right AF ;)
No no vash there right, I knew I couldn't write it well and couldn't make sence of what I'm saying so I researched it and copied on my iPod sorry

By the way those of you who've seen ponyo,

On utube look up (nostalgia critic ponyo) it's funny

You know futureristic series and movies where technology is so advanced beyond our time well.

In the series you've watched which technology would you want.

It can be anything from ghost in the shell to from capsule corp (dbz) to gundam tech it can be anything

I'd like ghost in the shell tech cause of the tech they do for the body's. You could of lived 90 years and you could still have the the body of a 20 year old

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